
UGG Outlet Migrant workers repeatedly raped his 17 -year-old stepdaughter of pregnancy -induced

11 one day earlier this month, Houma City People's Court in a solemn courtroom, a loud voice,UGG Outlet, declared: constitutes rape. In order to crack down on crime, protection of civil rights are not violated, protect women's health, according to the As the trial judge gavel falls, the gallery of the mother and daughter could not help but cry.

Like all mothers, will regret extremely Sun Meili Chen Chunchun cursed meal, decided to report, so the law to punish the Yiguanqinshou.

the original, this name has just been sentenced for rape of middle-aged man, a few months ago, the mother or the name of And it is the

widowed woman gullible little man

10 22, Houma Municipal People's Procuratorate accused Chen Chunchun alleged rape, the Houma Municipal Court. Houma City People's Court accepted the case after a court sentence, according to a collegial panel, the multi-party evidence, verified Chen Chunchun Satsuki and repeatedly raped her pregnancy caused by the fact that court's decision to make the beginning of this article. When the judge sentenced Chen Chunchun collar criminal 7 years, mother and daughter cling together, crying.

to raise her daughter grow up, Sun Meili stir with her weak shoulders the burden of life, every day from dawn to dusk, through rain and wind to go, hard to make money by doing odd jobs to sustain the family. God has given her injustice, but the suffering of life, a strong cast to her heart! In order to father children can lose their healthy growth environment, she always told myself: only food and clothing. For two children have a complete home, there is a brighter future, several thoughtful, Sun Meili decided to remarry, to find a willing to accept two daughters, and married into a man willing.

meddle in the flowering season the parent animals female

succeed after the first rape, Chen Chunchun afraid of the matter told the Sun Meili month, law-abiding for some time. Observed month shy and fear and did not say this, but his courage is getting up.

a bolt. One day in 2003, Sun Meili received a lifetime so that she can not forget the phone: Husband's death, let this poor family lost its breadwinner, caught in a precarious. At the time, month daughter (not his real name) was only years old, still in school.

riding tipsy, Chen Chunchun month flew young body. Was completely awakened month scream, but was soon covered his mouth. Month and not think that this has been a father to treat her man would make animal matter. Very familiar face in front of this strange man's unreasonable demands, month and resisted, and pleaded, but the body of a small Li Bo, how frightened she survived a tough man's lust smoked heart attack?

the gallery, which were weeping mother called Sun Meili (a pseudonym), 47-year-old, who is a native of Houma. Sun Meili originally had a happy home, loving husband, a pair of her beautiful and naive, and life is poor, a family of four flies enjoyable.

will also put their own dreams Sun Meili Chen Chunchun a horse soon was arrested. Justice after the rape Satsuki Chen Chunchun confessed, active account in the month in May this year, implementation of rape, the fact that pregnancy. Luck, he at first admitted only do this once, that he only carried out once the atrocities, you can lightly punished, but that shattered his illusions.

later date, the use of a rest home at noon, Sun Meili is not a short time, Chen Chunchun even coax and puffing, turn Satsuki raped repeatedly. Stepfather of the beast, Satsuki can hide to hide, but still can not escape his clutches.

2009 September day, Sun Meili and daughter went out, Chen Chunchun leave home, usually to like drinking wine, he is to the village canteen drinking with several friends. Drinking wine, faint to home.

Sun Meili would not have thought, seemingly honest of Chen Chunchun actually despise Sun Meili. Adrift in a foreign land far away, he, more attention is Sun Meili locals can give him a sense of belonging. To enter the Sun, not only in the Sun Meili Chen Chunchun front of his best to please the gallery, and two daughters of Sun doubly love, very much like the pro-parent. Sun Meili look in their eyes, joy in their hearts, dark, determined to put their own happiness lies in the later life of this man who appears humble.

8 months, the month has been no improvement in symptoms, Sun Meili this with her daughter to a clinic doctor find a doctor for his daughter. Practice for many years, experienced old doctor to month Vein, and found it already pregnant. Daughter, not married and at home all day, fresh contacts with outsiders, how to get pregnant? Sun Meili not believe how old doctor, then, that the old doctor lie, angrily pulling his daughter ran out of the clinic. Sun Meili month later with a large hospital in Houma to do a B-, test results confirmed two and a half month pregnant.

month was raped relentlessly. Tears filled this young girls face, she heard the sound of Chen Chunchun ferocious intimidation: revenge, tears endured this injury, but also for future planted the seeds for more damage.

hardy mother contrite wrong person

to mid-June, a month headache, nausea, eat, these reactions did not cause pregnancy month and Sun Meili attention. Culture for only the third grade, has been farming at home and not good at conversation the month, she may not know their own body changes are early pregnancy, and as legal guardian of the Sun Meili first daughter, forced to livelihoods, the whole busy days working away from home, more time to attend his daughter's psychological and physiological changes. Moreover, she does not think in any case, they seek for themselves the honest man carrying her would make such a scandal.

our reporter Zhang Haiying newspaper feature articles will be reproduced

Chen Chunchun woke to the sound of the door was lying in bed in a month. 17-year-old opened his month's eyes look a bit mask, see the stepfather to go home, then turned and fell down on sleep.

8 月 7 日 5 pm, on the road steady stream of pedestrian traffic, looking haggard and pale Sun Meili single hand of a hospital laboratory, stumbled to Houma Municipal Public Security Bureau, with a hoarse voice cried shouted the police, sued devoid of humanity Chen Chunchun rape his daughter caused by her pregnancy, every word blood, such as the sound of weeping. Sri Lanka Sri Lanka love scene, so the presence of Houma Municipal Public Security Bureau police are all dynamic injury, while they had to appease the Sun Meili grief emotions out of control, while the rapid deployment of police to arrest of Chen Chunchun.

single laboratory completely exposed evil

tipsy hazy Chen Chunchun also had to go home to sleep, but the month and turn white between the exposed arm, so Chen Chunchun hormones burning up, looked at the bed month unsuspecting young women body, then look no one around, the idea of ​​a crime across the mind as Chen.

get the notice after the tests, Sun Meili click on the mask, and she suspected her daughter behind her back about a friend, doing is having an affair, angrily cursed her daughter, pressed month and who did out of this corruption scandal to the door the wind. But then tells her daughter, but let Sun Meili Ruzhui icehouse, chills.

no more time to develop feelings of mutual understanding, Sun Meili took myself to this little man. They held a simple ceremony, do not receive a marriage certificate. Chen Chunchun Volume own blanket to move on, and Sun Meili living together.

Thus, the second half of 2006, by a friend, Sun Meili came to Houma to work with the migrant workers from Henan Chen Chunchun (a pseudonym) met. Chen Chunchun then only 35 years old, little better than the Sun Meili old. February 2004 and moved to Houma a brick factory workers. Sun Meili honest honest look at his face, plus they are humble origin, but also talked about together. Therefore, contact a few times, they will determine the relationship.

However, Sun Meili never have dreamed that this little man could even face honest set the expense of ethics, the lust of the flowering season extending its tentacles still a minor daughter. Had to give her daughter the happiness she brought to her life but the pain, but also make their own remorse.

month repressed for a long time, the accumulation of almost a year filled with frustration, frustrated, scared, helpless, all enjoy pouring into silent tears, she will be his nightmare experiences seriously all the mothers talk to. Sun Meili do not want to believe, but this is beyond the control of her disbelief. She immediately asked Chen Chunchun. See things brought to light, Chen Chunchun put an honest and innocent look, while to explain, while begging for forgiveness Sun Meili. But his tears have not touched Sun Meili.

day of May of this year, while Sun Meili out not at home, he again humiliated the month. Strongly against the block shot in the month, he used threatened: It is precisely this last rape, so Satsuki was pregnant.

