
UGG Online Outlet Pictured wearing sandals to wear her own shoes girlfriend 's boyfriend came inters

accident road under construction and is expected to resume normal afternoon

WASHINGTON (News Observer Liu Rui Nightline reported that group) yesterday afternoon , South elm Hall Xizhimenwai about 80 meters east of the bridge , a broken water pipe caused water pressure , to change some bus lines bypass . Section still under construction accident this morning , the afternoon is expected to return to normal .

5 o'clock yesterday afternoon , outside the South West Elm Hall Bridge , an ocean , about 100 meters east from the bridge have been covered by flood . A main road north to take out the water points are kept in water,UGG Boots, the water not over about 20 cm high road sub-teeth , into the sidewalk .

7 o'clock this morning , collapse pits have been backfilled , bus lines has been restored to normal, but road accidents are still under construction , is expected to return to normal afternoon .

water under the bridge is an intersection , pedestrians have to step in between the railings ,UGG Outlet, on the road sub-teeth ,UGG Online, avoid the foot of the Station via the special exhibition hall 4 , 15 Road, more than ten bus lines are cast off Exhibition Road station .

correspondent saw a couple in the cross the road, wearing sandals, sports shoes to wear his girlfriend 's boyfriend on her own water through the junction ,UGG Online Outlet, causing the crowd burst of laughter.

17:30 Xu , Water Group staff closed the valve to run water lines .

According to an eyewitness , said , at 4 pm, a bus traveling from here when the road suddenly collapsed , the wheels into the pit . After the bus left , before the sudden appearance of a collapse pit cracks , followed by a large gush of water from .

tap water group , according to the relevant person in charge , the initial judge was one of the water mains under pressure after the break .

Pictured wearing sandals to wear her own shoes girlfriend 's boyfriend came intersection camera / reporter Wang Hejian

