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Detailed Word document six alternative techniques

office essential,UGG Boot! Detailed Word document alternative techniques six 2011-08-30 00:30
edit documents with word of course is very convenient, but to master the necessary skills is also very important. Word skills in general I believe we are more or less from newspapers and magazines or books to see. Therefore, I would like to give you some alternative techniques, hoping to give everyone a fresh feeling!
1, display too wide to open the document in the document
sometimes found because the document is too great, the screen failure. How this can be done, we can not see a line on a horizontal scroll bar drag it! Then we can re-adjust the line width to fit the size of the document window. If you are using normal view or outline view, you can click the We can also make the text by changing the ratio for normal view or page view in the document window. Then we can click the We can also switch to Web Layout view, make the text wrap.
2, change the default document directory
all office documents default directory is C drive under My Documents folder, based on operational need, we can easily change it. Click the In the Click the
3,Moncler Shop, close the syntax error flag
In Word you can type the text you type on our spelling and grammar check on the page you can see red and green wavy line. If you think these lines to affect the visual effects that can be hidden. In the status bar on the If you want more settings, you can right-click menu, select and syntax of the attribute.
4, another magical effect of the Ctrl + Z
we all know, Ctrl + Z to undo the last action role, will enable us to document in writing to cancel the process can be carried out by mistake, or to restore to a previous step. But you know, Ctrl + Z also has a special role. First give an example, Word does not change the default settings in case of an empty line, type: Then if you press the BackSpace key, you can delete the second line item number, and can not eliminate the first line item number in the form, meaning that the first line of . Then, Ctrl + Z on the role. We enter The original system of For instance, we enter We pressed the Ctrl + Z, just canceled the second operation, like nothing had happened, the system option to change, not elaborate here. According to this principle, we can discover more magical Ctrl + Z.
5, control font conversion to open other people sometimes came
document, which contains its own computer that is not already installed fonts. If you open a document that contains such a font, Word will replace the font fonts installed in the machine. How to control the font to be replaced? We can do this: Click the Click the In the In the
6, the style of a document passed to other documents
created several styles,UGG Online Outlet, if you want to use other documents are also several styles, you can use the following method. Open a document containing the styles,UGG Online, select the In the Choose the style of the left, click Click Next time we can use them from the normal.dot document formats.
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