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one, how to view the health of nails

1, the nail plate

vertical lines vertical lines on nails - nails on neurasthenia
There are several obvious long vertical lines that neurasthenia, the symbol of the body aging.
neurasthenia, chronic insomnia, dreams, easy to wake up, it is difficult to fall asleep.
wasting disease, physical exhaustion (such as physical and mental fatigue syndrome).
poor immune function, colds.
2, the nail plate thick stripes and dark stripes

who expressed a serious disease.

nails and thin stripes and multi-person, more common in chronic digestive diseases. Eating little attention, there will be abdominal pain, diarrhea and other symptoms.
3,Giubbotti Moncler, nails black dots spots
stasis - is that the brain blood circulation disorder in the sign.
nails appeared normal right hand that left brain problem.
nails white spots - indigestion, appeared on a nail or a few white spots:
metabolism of adult common liver function or damage, especially in hepatitis B chronic patients.
more common in children gastrointestinal toxins, indigestion, or parasitic or calcium deficiency
habitual constipation, gastrointestinal disorders caused by white dot will appear.
4, press the nail
general representation of the normal and rapid recovery, said the body has barriers to slow
Press and hold with one hand and another nail tip 3 seconds, see let go after white nails, observation 5 a fingernail bed speed of blood circulation and recovery, was reddish-shaped if the right, then health, indicating that blood circulation, internal organs function and lively. If you have a poor circulation in fingers, the fingers with the corresponding organs of the issues.
5, half marks - normal

hands and fingers have 8 to 10 marks a half months.

half area of the nail marks 1 / 5;
half mark for the creamy white color, the more white the better, more energy, said Zhuang.
6, half marks - not normal
1> the end of the cold type

no half marks the end of the cold type.
half months marks the less energy that the worse, such a person's organs dysfunction, blood running slow, easy fatigue, lack of energy, poor absorption, pale, hands and feet Jueleng, scared, lethargy, easy cold, repeated colds, energy decline, physical decline, and even then the phlegm stagnation, qi stagnation, phlegm nodules and tumors.
2> hot end of the little finger type

even those who have a half marks, half marks are the hot end of increasing type.
the function of organs such people strong physical fitness is better. However, in pathological cases, it is yang Piansheng, organs hyperthyroidism. Can meet the red, angry, upset, constipation, irritability, dry mouth, appetite, it is not cold, restless, and even high blood pressure, high blood sugar, stroke.
3> alternating chills and fever (imbalance of yin and yang type)

blurred the boundary marks a half months, a move closer to the color of color who are cold and heat or yin and yang imbalance staggered type. Alternating chills and fever in humans have prompted changes in rise and fall of yin and yang,UGGS Kensington, cold and heat changes can vary due to maintenance.

so-called \marks less), exhausted people getting killed. \No half marks the disease even if temporarily, also need to quickly nourishing the body. In particular, marks a half months left thumb, the body is telling you have to use \
care advice: to add to rely on high energy neutral proteins, such as milk, eggs, beans, fish and black foods, seeds of the embryo foods, as long as nutrition, adhere to the maintenance, general 1 and a half months to grow a nail, usually the first length of the thumb, after the order of the index finger, middle finger, ring finger, little finger, only covered half a year later. However, usually pay attention to rest, if long-term stay up all night, the night life will soon disappear over half marks.

two hands know how to view the health
1, feel hot
main heart and kidney, irritability, angry, insomnia, dreams nervous.
2, feel cool
main spleen and kidney yang. Weak cold, poor digestion and absorption.
3, the main feel wet
Heart deficiency. Easily fatigued weak. Palms sweat, the more the accumulated heat to the spleen and stomach, heart, H.-S., psychological stress, mental tension.
4, feel dry
primary lung and spleen two losses. Dry skin, colds.
5, feel the warm, moist
reconcile the main internal organs in good health.
6, feel sticky
main endocrine disorders, particularly diabetes more common.

III Three Six skilled regular training exercise
ten hands, easy and healthy
1, the first web space Ping Qiao

hit 36 times.
Description: The fight against colon / Hoku.
Indications: Prevention and treatment of facial parts of the disease. Such as blurred vision, rhinitis, articulate pain, headache and prevention of influenza.
2, the second hand sideswipe How

Description: Combating the small intestine by the / post River Point.
Indications: the first term strong pain, relax the neck muscles and prevent bone spurs, bone degradation.
3, the third hit How

wrist 36 times each.
Description: Fighting Heart Sutra and The Envelope / Daling points.
Indications: Prevention and treatment of heart disease, chest pain, chest tightness, relieve the tension.
4, the fourth web space How

cross each hit 36 times.
Description: Point is the evil eight points.
Indications: Prevention and treatment of peripheral circulation, such as numbness in the hand, going wrong and other peripheral circulatory disease.
5, the fifth fingers crossed How

each hit 36 times.
Description: Point is the evil eight points.
Indications: Prevention and treatment of peripheral circulation, such as numbness in the hand, going wrong and other peripheral circulatory disease.
6, the sixth left boxing clever

right palm 36 times.
Description: The Heart and Pericardium Meridian is the network via / Lloyd points.
Indications: the role of fatigue and refreshing.
7, the seventh from right boxing clever

left palm heart 36 times.
Description: The Heart and Pericardium Meridian is the network via / Lloyd points.
Indications: the role of fatigue and refreshing.
8, the eighth clever

back of the hand slap each other 36 times.
Description: blow to the three set by the / yang chi point.
Indications: adjust internal organs function, and prevention and treatment of diabetes.
9, the ninth Qiao

rub ears 36.
Description: The lobe of the points a lot.
Indications: focus, facial and brain and other parts of the cycle.
10, X clever

palm down to the micro-friction between 6 heat, light cover his eyes, left and right eye to 6-ring, again and again for 6 times.
Note: the use of qigong principles, adjusted by eye in the air.
Indications: prevention of myopia, presbyopia and blurred vision.

Fourth, there are three milestones
health first called balanced diet,
the second is called aerobic exercise,
third called state of mind.
1, balanced diet:
\soup; sixth milk.
1> Green Tea Tuo
green tea which contains phenols, phenol is a cancer lump of tea; also contains fluoride, dental fluorosis not only strong, but also eliminate cavities, eliminate plaque, green tea every day to get water gargle to connect health teeth. In old age, strong teeth, you can not cavities; green tea itself contains Canning, which can improve the toughness of blood vessels, so blood is not easy to burst.
all the drinks, green tea is first and foremost.
2> wine, red grape skin
there was something called \Also it can help prevent sudden cardiac arrest.
drank no more than 50-100 milliliters of wine, not drink, do not spit to eat grape skins of red grapes, are all the same health care.
role of red wine there is a lower blood pressure and blood cholesterol.
3> yogurt
is to maintain the balance of bacteria in the yogurt. Maintain the balance of bacteria is the so-called beneficial bacteria growth, elimination of harmful bacteria, so eating yogurt may reduce the disease. (Milk with the lactose, the maximum absorption of lactose is white, the yellow race in Asia, 70% of people do not absorb lactose. So the milk is good, but drink more, the milk does not absorb or useless --- it is not impossible to drink, drink it, add a little milk like proper)
bone soup bone soup with Wan plastic, Wan gum is longevity.
5> mushroom soup
mushrooms can improve immune function.
6> milk
soya milk, which contains the oligosaccharide, it can be absorbed 100% of the body. And soy milk also contains potassium, calcium and magnesium. Content and calcium than milk.
of our yellow, the most suitable for the milk.

\prevention of hypertension and dynamic fat hardening.
buckwheat = three down, lowering blood pressure, blood fat, lowering blood sugar.
buckwheat contains 18% of the fiber, eat buckwheat does not have bowel cancer, rectal cancer, colon cancer.
== potato sweet potato, sweet potato, yams, potatoes.
oats == fat, lowering blood pressure. Can lower triglycerides.
If high blood pressure, must eat oats, oatmeal, oatmeal, make your blood lipids down.
millet == dehumidification, spleen, sedation, sleep.
soy beans at least five kinds of anti-cancer substances, especially flavonoids, have only soybeans, it can prevent, treat breast cancer, colorectal cancer, colon cancer.

; - - Ministry of Health
3> food
to write carrot carrot
Compendium of Materia Medica is seductive vegetables, it has several functions,
First, it raised mucosa, is not easy to cold;
Second, it raised the hair, skin care, there are fitness function;
Third, it has anti-cancer effects, but the eyes are particularly good, especially night blindness, like eating. It stimulates vitamin
cells to produce insulin, so the people can not eat pumpkin diabetes. There are bitter with this feature are sure to eat more.
is tomatoes. Shall not eat tomatoes uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer, bladder cancer, prostate cancer. Inside there is something called tomato tomato pigment, and proteins combined in a piece of it, wrapped around the cellulose must be heated to a certain extent out.
raw tomatoes are not cancer, the best way to eat tomatoes, fried eggs, tomatoes, or tomato soup, tomato and egg soup.
Garlic Garlic is the king of anticancer
. Eat garlic is very special, you must first cut it into pieces,UGGS Outlet, a piece of sheet on the air 15 minutes after it combines with oxygen to produce allicin. Garlic itself is not cancer, Allicin only cancer but also cancer of the king. So garlic cooked food,Piumini Moncler, a one to eat, are equal to zero, there is no anti-cancer effect.
garlic flavored Do not worry, eat hawthorn, chewing peanuts point, and then eat a good taste of tea,Moncler Outlet, no.
black fungus
many people now belong to the high coagulation physical (blood thickening) --- short, thick. Fat people, menopausal female compatriots, who a short neck, blood type AB people are particularly vulnerable to high blood coagulation thick. Prone to lead to high blood coagulation thick myocardial infarction.
black fungus that can make the most out of blood is not sticky. Noteworthy point is that when skinning eat eat peanuts, peanut skin no nutrition, it can cause blood clotting tablets, increased platelets, used to stop bleeding.
4> animal food
If pork, there are lamb, mutton;
have chicken mutton, chicken;
chicken and fish, eat fish;
fish shrimp, prawns.
which was the best fish shrimp and whole fish eat the whole shrimp, because of the active substance in fish shrimp's head and abdomen.
5> Spirulina
distribution of the most balanced nutrition is alkaline food. It balanced diet.
Spirulina has radiation effect. It is particularly important
several diseases:
cardiovascular diseases, it can lower blood pressure and blood cholesterol.
diabetes, the disease lack of protein, vitamins, vitamin supplements Spirulina can also allow patients not complications, Spirulina is dried sugar diabetes blood sugar instability, with gradual withdrawal after Spirulina, and then gradually stop screw algae, and finally take the diet.
gastritis, gastric ulcer, Spirulina has chlorophyll, a recovery effect on the gastric mucosa.
hepatitis, tired spin algae can not replicate the virus, and liver cells can restore a large number of amino acids, containing choline, enabling recovery of liver function.
improve immunity.

diet principles:
eat 7 percent full, lifetime disease
not eat up a full 8 percent
eat 10 into full,UGG Boots Online, and that the two were not used as match for the waste
: non-staple food staple 6 4 6 flour and rice grains 4, 6 animals, plants 4.

2, aerobic exercise
First, do not out in the morning, the morning the basis of high blood pressure, high basal body temperature, adrenal gland at least 4 times higher than in the evening,UGGS Kensington, people with heart problems is easy.
suggested evening exercise, 45 minutes after a meal and then exercise.
second. Time 6:00 am wake up, open the window from 9 am to 11 points, 14 points to 16 points.
if nap time is half an hour after a meal, it is best to sleep for an hour.
22:00 to 10:30, fell asleep and before going to bed a hot bath, water temperature 40-50 degrees, will improve the quality of sleep.

Tips You
the best exercise is walking!

if the psychological state of mind not state, that is, exercise and eat for free, which is very important. Easy to get angry tumor, the whole world know.
International Psychology will move five ways to avoid angry:
1> escape, get angry at things and meet people, temporary shelter opened.
2> transfer, people call you, you go to play chess, fishing, not to hear.
3> release,Moncler Sito Ufficiale, is to find close friends to talk, release, or else put in their hearts to be sick.
4> Sublimation is the more people that you, the more you do it right.
5> control, which is the most important one method, that is how you call me afraid.

your attitude determine your everything!
contented life pleasing to
confused state of mind that,
chic little,
larger measure,
style, a little higher,
stand high point,
look a little bit further ,
live more comfortable ten.

international conference has given us a warning, let us drink green tea, soy, sleep well, regular exercise, do not forget to always laugh.
hope that everyone should pay attention to a balanced diet, aerobic exercise, and attention to your mental state when the weeping cry, laugh when the laugh. Three smiling face every day
Qi Bafen full of people are not old,
asked to stay through the spring meet patients,
quiet indifferent better than drugs.

magic eight out triple burner

hands footed care justice
spleen and stomach may be a single Condor held
look back five prison Qishang
chasing its tail to Firelight
hands and feet climbing back
Gushen save by pneumatic
angry fist behind the top seven diseases elimination


