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Tiananmen massacre that shocked the nation gradually fade out of people's discourse, young people forging plant in the track and the days to the high and the emperor far away it seems difficult to in-depth, then finally calm.

Recently, a network that's in the paper brought back to Beijing to hear the story of the memories, are reproduced as follows (remember: the story is something that is not also; story is not to say things not is not)

Bing-Chen Qingming Tiananmen Square,uggs boots outlet, one of duty notebook

note: how do encounter situations? Off the armband, got into the crowd

AD 1976, it is the Lunar New Year festival Bing-Chen night with me and a bunch of brothers and demobilization to the factory workers as the capital of the militia was ordered to perform in Tiananmen Square clearance tasks.

also very dramatic to say: in the afternoon, I was in Tiananmen Square and to block foreigners had a quarrel with the police camera, and then back to the factory for the aggrieved middle shift. And brothers when I cursed the stupid and arrogant, the set up the whistle!

just off a year in military uniform military brothers lost the habit of not less than one minute fifty day shift and a few soldiers Intermediate neatly lined up on the front of the office in the Section. '


\old man old ladies (in fact, only forty years old) to pick the bundles in the team next to the pile; section chief (1964 jobs lieutenant) is holding a stack of armbands breathlessly ran .

queue suddenly sounded again and murmur. TMD, that really there to suppress the masses, and also told us to lead the charge! Frustration and feelings of people suddenly heavy, start with a strange gaze branch secretary. \Command to obey orders is our bounden duty to listen to! \\Gave me good points! Listen secretary of the speech! \The people's army can not fight forever! \tribute to the Prime Minister, very few bad people! If you hit a bad trouble, \However, under the sun there would be no so much the bad guy? Who we are, how the difference between a good man who is bad is it? \\In any case the masses can not be in conflict, can not beat! How do encounter situations? Off the armband, into the crowd, killing a worker can not recognize the militia ... ... \Nepal Palace \the truck.

we went straight into the truck carrying Fuxingmennei Avenue, drove to the Tiananmen Square. in accordance with the provisions of that time, trucks are not allowed on the Chang'an Avenue. But when the traffic police to see the name of the car gang Militia Battle Flag, waving ho sing war songs when a short fur coat, suddenly understand. so we treated all the way to enjoy the green light to the Ambassador of the Tiananmen Square.

stopped the car, two-pronged. I As part of brothers into the temporary closure of Eastern Group Cultural Palace of working people; another part of the West Army into the same as the temporary closure of the Zhongshan Park.

Cultural Palace of working people is the only company in Beijing both ticket and present their union membership card to enter the park. in getting the membership card, I was very proud to show for it the door into the Palace of Culture. Some people joke that I could not bear one-third of the money, I sternly said: I enjoy working-class treatment that is!

Okay, back to the topic. into the palace of culture, we are good according to the regional division of the whole team. secretary of the receiving mission orders, to tell you: Our task now is to stand. everyone to pick the place to keep people focused on care of the rest people can freely and hear radio quickly rejoin.

get orders, we gladly hand over the \not withhold workers home, the various characteristics of the industry fully reflected: Yang Piao wearing navy blue steel industry is our brother; wearing blue khaki jacket of the machinery industry, brothers; wear cotton waistcoat of it is instrumentation industry brethren ... ...

after everyone meet each other through clothing to identify the printed font size, each the name of fun. we call the Baltic sailors, who claim Puti Love Red Guards, all quite \for a common goal of revolution come together \. There Nosey get together \; every meal of the car off, in spite of repeated statements by delivering meals to the employees only in order to enjoy their own units, but all kinds of people are roaring and the predators eat too! I 小朱 hard squeezed into the mechanical system is probably After leading the team meal, with not even grab food in the experience of new recruits from around the monkey surrounded by people in the gap in the waist, his hand to seize the prey quickly withdraw: Haha! big meatloaf a hand 啦!
< br> 小朱 swallowing hard for me to just grab someone else to be breaking away after half of the meatloaf, patting my shoulder and said with emotion: \\\to the venue, I saw several police is secretary and a long paragraph, smoking. I whispered to 小朱 said:

\to stare at it? \Gouzi bunch! \Police come to help guide the work of gay, everyone welcome! \My name is Lee, East Branch of the. 2060 soldiers, turn the industry last year. \

\Yes, here three military comrades have attended it? \\We support have left some comrades remember 'three no discipline', right? \mouth, playing does not fight back, refuses to shoot 'iron discipline \who,ugg australia, when we perform the task the revolutionary masses and vandalism must be strictly separated from the mob! If you have bad hands would dare we, our ho is not a vegetarian. But we should remember that our ho is by no means against the revolutionary masses! \One thing to talk about with you, later action, the left is the suburban branch of our comrades led, their style and we are not the same. Everyone listen to us, do not control their thing ... ... Now I talk about our specific tasks ... ... \a militia from the mob - Bing-Chen Qingming Tiananmen Square, the four notes

duty prescribed time, we hear his comrades and led the police from entering the northeast corner of Tiananmen Square to begin the implementation of clearance tasks. < br>
as Lao Li said, we left the suburbs led the county branch of the police, from the counties with a heavy accent their cries, we sensed that these guys are not \. No wonder they, after all, suburban and urban situations very different from those used to the simple but powerful and city police can not be compared Yeah! 0 z0 b1 W1 Q \> that is the formation of the pocket,ugg tall boots, in fact, not too tight. We each interval of about two to three meters, the units of the junction there are more than ten-meter-wide gap. I do not know what the soldiers came from the talk of the town in assigning tasks junction when there is no guarantee that the division of labor, we did not ask. I thought, there is no guarantee of the junction is the most easy to break, this is the most simple common sense,ugg ladies boots, talk of the town why not mention it? understand: the network open side of the thing!

teams advance to the Plaza,uggs outlet nederland, the speed of each unit varies. left the unit soon became salient, we clearly hear them the way forward to be around people with \\: Let's face the best that no one Yeah!

think positive no one is impossible. not for a while, there is seven or eight people besieged a cross from the left to our team running. looking at the gang of men and women, old and young people in fear in front of us stopped, the eyes of comrades who are concentrated in the talk of the town.

TMD fed your support, running here to do? \We spoke to the place of the hand. Immediately, the two wings of our cross-team contraction, flashed a width of about ten meters in the air when.

\anxious curse.

panic if they slip through the net looking at people, everyone took a deep breath. encirclement getting smaller and smaller, \the distance getting smaller and smaller, and we hope that their presence will not occur again people who do not want to see ... ...

However, the situation happened. from our left and the duty officers are in close contact occurred a few people out there, went to our team came across a relatively loose. everyone can not help but slowed down, carefully looked at the risked his life to break out of the \Wang XX it? \br> \

cry with the talk of the town, some of the brothers meet up, to pull into the ranks of the king XX.

secretary took him to wear an armband, a long paragraph to their ho put into his hand.

set of danger, he transformed --- a militia from the mob ... ...

you to harm me, who the fuck want to work this fart! (Bing-Chen Qingming Tiananmen duty of the end of the chapter notes)

Tiananmen passed. we more than fifty brethren because \the praise of the revolutionary masses. like an appointment the same, we talk about how the night scenery of the park, the United States; \It makes no mention of the situation. because this thing up my heart to say uncomfortable, we deliberately avoided.

However, the tree wants to remain quiet while the wind blows. Soon after, in accordance with the Beijing Municipal Committee of the deployment, a is \can be very busy: have not been contaminated secular habits of people remained simple style of the good soldier, good comrades on the performance of genuine praise, the comrades of the poor performance seriously criticized, is the so-called people's vision is steelyard - can not be wrong !

But this time it, keep our noses to everyone one by one, but said nothing. spent a long time, squad leader, then pick the big week to clear:

\Although much of this activity resistance to speak of smb, but the merit index must be completed. Upon my honor everyone said that the second power branch target finally turned down, they still picked up two third class indicators. maybe has a target where there are one in our class! everyone judge by it! \democracy fails, then I focus on it! \. Only there dumbfounded Liu.

everyone's views are very good! Comrade Liu performed very well this action, in transit, when the foot wreath injured, up to now not good agile. but he he just one day without rest, kept on working. We learn from him! years, adopted by acclamation! \Liu looked on sympathetically. I saw his face up in the red, jumped out a long while saying:

\After about a year and a half, the Beijing Municipal Committee issued a document, revoke the decision of the meritorious service, meritorious service personnel files from the withdrawal of the relevant records and related personnel requirements of each unit without discrimination and so on ... ...

transfer Since the \According to People's Daily Jixi Chen record:

3 19, Chaoyang District, Beijing primary school teachers and students to the Tiananmen Square cattle presented the first wreath.

3 30, 24 were breaking through the Second Artillery block, with \Place Monument, \and is the almost certain. more and more workers, the public, government cadres, thousands of families young and old, flocked to flock to Tiananmen Square.

According to People's Daily reports, April 4 Ching Ming Festival this day, to Tiananmen Square to the masses to more than 200 million people. The whole crowd flowers submerged in Tiananmen Square, among the wide range of exquisite wreaths have been discharged from the north side of Monument Square, the southern end.

that time, Beijing Revolutionary Committee Politburo member and the main Renwu De April 4th meeting of the Political Bureau of the evening introduced a wreath before the monument to the 2073, a total of more than 1,400 units.
< br> Tiananmen Square rallies crowd, unanimously adopted the ancient history of traditional Chinese poetry, to express the embrace, and commented on current events, expression of political opinion. poetry surging crowd on the square, with traditional Chinese, pure praise the beauty of Zhou Enlai, with 1949 rare sharp criticism of literature \.

Prime Minister and the people with the joys,

people and the Prime Minister of one mind.

simple lines and mellow feeling, after being made into a song widely sung.

universally bad news scared, crying all over Kyushu.

monument such as the north wind Xiao,Ugg Boots uk, sadness like cold water.

days, the pain also, to also the worry. < br>
more difficult road of the original, this is more worrying to.

lingering antiquity that is \bridge,

Jiangqiao decay has been shaken.

Jiangqiao shake,

threatens to collapse;

Please indicate,

is demolished or burned?

this poem called \
Tiananmen Square, poetry and the essence of public opinion, the first in the following prose poem that reflected most vividly:

beloved Premier Zhou Enlai,

I'm sorry for your children you are,

still no rest for your souls ... ...

let those guys take a look at it,

Tiananmen Square before the flowers like snow,

Monument tears like rain.
< br> you do not read our study,

you do not sacrifice our offerings ... ...

China China is not the past,

people are not stupid,

Qin feudal society has gone out,

We believe in Marxism-Leninism.

for those who were castrated scholar of Marxism-Leninism,

hell! < br>
we want is genuine Marxism-Leninism.

to true Marxism-Leninism,

we are not afraid to throw the first sprinkling of the blood,

back on us at Jinggangmycin move banner of righteousness.

the behest of the Prime Minister we have inherited,

at the four modernizations,

we must re-set the wine festival ... ...

into Tiananmen Square New China \\Tiananmen Square incident of \unprecedented era - an Old People's Daily reporter notes, \!

Najib is the Hungarian events of 1956 embraced by the masses, the reinstatement of the Communist Party leader, attempted to introduce Western-style political system in Hungary, and announced its withdrawal from the Soviet Union-led socialist country, \sentenced to death after the military invasion. Jixi Chen wrote:

Deng serious all watched it, silent. Before leaving, he cast a glance looked Wang Hongwen, Zhang, Yao Wenyuan, a solemn statement said:

all this can be said clearly.

interview, according to Ji Xichen understanding of Deng Xiaoping in the Great Hall with Chang Chun-chiao, and Yao had a piece of overlooking the sea of people on Tiananmen Square, but not into the square, but did not come among the masses. Moreover, Deng Xiaoping has long warned children not allowed to go to Tiananmen Square, have not been there by car, to prevent the \the future political situation in China,UGG sale, already know.

1976 年 mourning Zhou Enlai's event, second only to Beijing, Nanjing's grand, vehement. central requirements covering the streets of Nanjing large banner of the telephone notification issued after 3 days Instead, 60 million people, Nanjing inspired to come forward and participate in mourning procession. Tiananmen massacre has just subsided, 8 pm April 16, the central issue in the Great Hall of the Political Bureau of the Jiangsu Province held a meeting at which flatly accused Jiang Jiangsu:

long time, the prevalence of unhealthy tendencies, could not lift their heads upright.

Politburo member in 1976, according to Wu recalled, April 4 Ching Ming Festival that night, the Central Political Bureau Great Hall of the meeting is to study the situation Plaza. Lu Ying, a note sent to the Yao, the southwest side of the monument that was deliver a speech criticized Jiang Qing. Jiang a rage, pointing to Wu asked:

Do you know this? Why do you allow counter-revolutionary speeches? the counter-revolutionaries be arrested immediately, so that people do not catch a rightist.

Wu to stand up to review, and then went out to call the Beijing Garrison Commander Wuzhong. Wuzhong The crowd made a lot of bad treatment. Wu reflect the situation back to the venue, the Politburo took a tough stance, demanding the immediate arrests. Wuzhong soon called to say, that the speaker has caught up.

far there violent protests in the square before the rally, Yao Lu Ying in a series of phone for the characterization of the Tiananmen Square incident. Yao April 2, said:

to analyze the counter-revolutionary counter this stocks seems there is a command.

4 4, Yao said:

the People's Heroes Monument Tiananmen Square events, is counter-revolutionary nature.

Academy of Sciences 109 plants have four Poetry - \Flower Revolution \Factory 3 people were arrested in prison, thirty people have been isolated from the review, nearly a hundred people have been \the two unrelated poems pieced together as the \In the first Poem Prose Poems by adding another first:

spirit shook like sad news,

laughed I cried wolf.

tears, Xiong Jie Ji,
< br> eyebrows sword scabbard.

4 月 4 at midnight, the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, the mobilization of 200 trucks, the square wreath, elegiac couplet, banners, poetry against a blank. circle around the monument from three heavily guarded the blockade.

4 5 April, the situation worsened Plaza. Early in the morning, someone put a wreath to be closed at the Great Hall of the words of the basement, so tens of thousands of people flocked to City Hall East Gate, calling for \I wreath, but also my comrade! \. \said the semiconductor microphone:

small building you see really tall, it is the joint headquarters, last night closed wreath, arrest people, are their command. Now we go to negotiate with them to wreaths VIP!

Chi Ming Beijing Chemical Engineering Institute and other students as a bargaining representative,moncler jacket, enter the small building, but the workers militia leader Bierbuxian headquarters. At this time, it was pointed out that they take the brand in Shanghai and two cars stopped in a small jeep floor outside. Thus, overturned cars and jeeps were burning.

5 pm, command small building was burning.

reason to use this text in front of so many \.

presented at the monument a tribute to Cao Zhijie first arrested, in prison, met a 13 year-old student was \cars were caught. \The memory of \Bureau undercover.

1988 At the end, a \A car caught fire leading man, the other said calmly:

I × × Department.

turned out to be one of us, posing as the SS Walter, no, Walter is the SS in disguise, ha ha ha ha.

The overthrow the radio car, later found only a \dark room in the unit under review. culprit is unknown.

vindication of the Tiananmen Square incident, after the People's Daily reported, wrote:

qualitative Tiananmen Square is the \occurred since April 5 burning, playing, but the \already planning a bloody good.

4 月 5 日 晚上 9 点 25 points, all off a sudden the lights in Tiananmen Square. 3 minutes later, all lights and bright. dazzling lights, thousands of militia and police workers Waving a stick two feet long, batons, belts, both north and south directions from the square rushed over to the center of the square surround. Jixi Chen People's Daily, the old reporter wrote:

thugs mad sounds, the screams of injured people, the injured groan that shook the dark night sky. just bathed in tears of mourning Premier Zhou square tiles, and then pour the blood on the revolutionary people.

\copy the poem, see someone go after the people scattered, rushed down the steps, to out of pocket, but it was too late. they try to shout slogans \I was kicked to the ground, more than a dozen people around me, and hit play, hit me until dizzy, could not move. until I started to wake up some people just feel there is a pressing my legs, arms next to the another person is also lying.

Beijing Auto Plant Workers Ruannan Nan said:

I looked at four or five people to go after a youth, one of the back of the head according to the young man severely hit a stick, the young man scream, fell to the ground.

several others rushed over, fists, shoes according to my head, chest, abdomen violently hit. I was knocked to the ground, buttons are ripped off, coat, shirt torn, pants are also given a big hole torn. They even play with a fight, dragged me into the monument. another person to search my body, but also with my shoes kicked face, playing my nose and mouth bleeding, shock in the past ... ...

night, hundreds of police officers on the ground in Tiananmen Square the night washing the blood.

4 月 5 at midnight,UGG Paris, when the square was shrouded in bloody in When Lu Ying Yao to call repeatedly urged, to April 3 for the arrangement of written editorials, \broadcast today, tomorrow the country are issued, the radio broadcast 6:30 tomorrow morning. \This done, this is my political mandate given to you.

Square bloodshed, the People's Daily Shiwei,Moncler Online, the White Terror spread across the country. from Beijing to Nanjing, the collection of poetry, tracing the \number of written poetry, on the street, who visited the square clatter jail ... ...

4 月 7 morning, Lu Ying, with several \Church. Yao a meeting to triumphantly say:

good thing! good thing! you to reflect several of the Tiananmen Square situation, compiled public reports. to clear out the place of Deng Xiaoping. rough spots does not matter. topic Do not change.

noon, \br> Do you have a credit ah!

enraptured Jiang said:

We won! Congratulations! not you beaten?

Chang Chun-chiao, said:

reactionary guys write those poems, is to push the Hungarian counter-revolutionary event when leader Deng Xiaoping, Najib.

Wang Hongwen first toast, said:

are toast!

Jiang also gave a toast to congratulate the People's Daily reporters one by one.

Yao Wenyuan, Zhang Chunqiao the tone of public reporting, as well as the reported reference to every detail and have made a detailed instructions. Lu Ying, a journalist with A written draft of. For example, Zhang Chunqiao to the police and fire workers, the joint command of the militia into the building -

burn the PLA barracks, the National People smashed a gang of bad guys, and burning of the PLA barracks, to will be indignant!

preparation, Yao continued to press over:

compiled quickly, one after another Fapai, no car available to my car guards.

this way, the people Daily preparation of a few reporters at City Hall every page and immediately sent to the newspaper to print, proofing. Wangfujing several cars in the City Hall and back and forth between a newspaper. April 8, \\organized and planned,ugg online, \envelope write \br>
shocking! party newspaper fallen! become a small group of fascist careerist, conspirator's megaphone!

a dozen young people is obviously a provocative attack Premier Zhou, and get in the Hall the one to protect you is a human impulse to fight City Hall, the truth is maintained to block it? distortion of the facts can you?

intrigue so obviously you received a wreath buckle trick people, said some people trouble .

obviously get your poetry is made up of Tiananmen Square, home Xiaochao Ting Jiang who do not know of?

you played this \, a false report to mislead the public will be able to deceive the masses of the people do? From now read: fascist party organ. down careerist, conspirator Zhang, Jiang, Yao!!!

Interestingly, People's Daily, the hands of the letter forwarded to the Yao, and Yao is not quiet, silence the letter locked in their own drawer.

published in People's Daily \, a Guangzhou to moths of the fearless, posting a letter to the People's Daily. The letter said:

our voice:

support of Deng Xiaoping! Down Zhang Chunqiao! < br>
support of Deng Xiaoping! down Yao!

support of Deng Xiaoping! Down with Jiang Qing!

beloved Premier Zhou Enlai, the revolutionary people always live in our hearts.

us To the true Marxist-Leninism!

us not emasculate Marxism!

Beijing four or five people in the revolutionary struggle will triumph!

We support the Beijing People's Four or five of the revolutionary struggle!

willing to cut one, vowed to unseat conspirators!

wild fire, in spring!

this letter falls Lu Ying, editor in chief of the hands of the People's Daily, and immediately transferred to the public security departments.

3 months later, according to Lu Ying, handwriting a letter to surrender, police officers found a writer in Guangzhou - Semiconductor Materials Factory Cincinnati 24-year-old village boy, medium height, pale and gentle, quiet and gentle. Strangely enough, the eyes of the workers, Zhuang Cincinnati is usually never talk about politics. factory when a group of cadres, children of leisure talk politics, but he never attended. September 29,UGG Australia, Zhuang was convicted of Cincinnati \subvert the dictatorship of the proletariat \I Blade Heart \of a young man in 'gang of four' off of the reign among the rebellious trend moving out of interest for the revolution cry, \reporter Xu Lina,Moncler Sito Ufficiale, said in an interview with the Mail:

I feel like I was just only an ordinary and trivial one, so about me, not worth talking about.

Zhuang Cincinnati democracy movement in 1976, both the hero, but also may be one of 1976 members of interest in politics than the average Chinese. He's angry red crown,UGG outlet, it is because the Council in 1976 has come to widespread indignation and discontent, and even do not care about politics, the point where honest people could not stand. Chuang Cincinnati behind, there is a large and silent backing group. worker Wang Jianxing still remember,Piumini Moncler, after his arrest had been back to Cincinnati Chuang factory criticism. a worker worried about his neck village Cincinnati, \City AFRC main Renwu De, resigned in 1980,moncler jacke, the Politburo member. An important reason is that Wu April 5, 1976 radio address in Tiananmen Square, issued repression signal, at the time of millions of people in the left square indelible trauma, ridiculed by the public as \that the suppression of the revolutionary movement he acts and the Northern warlords, the Kuomintang reactionaries exactly the same.

many years later, in 2004 the second phase of Wu \One thing to heart:

the clearance process, inevitably violence, but I can responsibly say that a person did not die.

Since then, the central group had sent to investigate the things, the survey very carefully, very carefully. survey of the hospital, mortuary, crematorium and participate in clearance of many militia. a total of three surveys conducted, the first report I saw, behind the two reports I have not seen, I asked, the survey results is the same, say this is not dead.

1976 in Plaza, tall as a bargaining representative to the small building workers militia headquarters Chi Ming, after such an analysis Square democracy movement The formation mechanism and the power of the host:

people understand: the power of individuals is weak, but was the common interests, aspirations and struggles link up the collective strength of goals, but not invincible. the truth is their life belongs to them, the majority of the number belongs to them, and thus victory must be theirs.

1976 events in Tiananmen Square, in the \can not shirk responsibility. Man, that is the People's Daily; Wu is Beijing Public Security Bureau.

Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau called Liu Chuan new. he counting on the \Beijing Party Secretary Liu Ren and other \Zhou Enlai, the system quietly intelligence mission, even around finding out the whereabouts of Sun Weishi. the original Liu Chuan new orders will be held at the Beijing Public Security Bureau detention center she was renamed \death. death, not even shackled lowered. Enlai heard the news, bitterly instructions:

suicide or silenced, it is worth investigating.

anatomical tests should be carried out to confirm the cause of death.

Sun Weishi sister did not wait to come to claim, Sun Weishi body was cremated.

1976 new command since Liu Chuan of Beijing Public Security Bureau, investigation and evidence collection in the square of the 115 car number, involving eighty multiple units, secret follow-up survey and the captains, vice minister of cadres at and above 30 people, including Ye Jianying, Deng Xiaoping, Xu Xiangqian, Wang Zhen, Hu Qiaomu and so on. In the central authorities decided to \Road name accused named Deng Xiaoping's \sticks, Kaozi.

the Liu Chuan new, in the \. \

