
UGG SalePolice car to clear the way long-distance delivery of pregnant women to send their medical t

later learned that flower mother named Zhang , Chongqing Yunyang County , and her husband, a work in Shanghai . The production is designed to return home by car , only to trip suddenly attack. A time when late at night, most passengers had to sleep , when the ring is not coupled with delivery ,[url=http://www.moncler-online.us/]Moncler Coats[/url], but none found the child's coming . Side of her husband because there is no experience and preparation , helpless, even intends, Until the child 's crying will wake the passenger side , only to notify the driver quickly call police calls .

for treatment in a timely manner , present both were safe .

1:00 am , the provincial executives received a report of the Third Brigade duty officer's office , said a coach has a sudden onset of a pregnant woman , and was 10 minutes ago gave birth to a baby boy , now mother very dangerous situation , hoping to get relief . By asking , police learned that the car is currently located in the Chinese Han Yi -Yi Expressway near to the 69 km from the nearest exit Bristol is only 10 kilometers , the police inform the driver side to drive the truck under the direct export of Bristol , called the medical side emergency calls, so the ambulance station in Bristol toll waiting . After 10 minutes, buses exit toll station . Already waiting in the patrol police command vehicle quickly step aside , and the mother with a two-person staff moved to ambulances . Responsible for police to clear the way to ensure smooth fast as ambulances arrived at the hospital .

Ping 's mother

Sports Network ( Chutianjinbao) correspondent reported that Yang Lu : Yesterday morning, a speeding of the long-distance bus ,[url=http://www.pipiblog.in/]UGG Sale[/url], a sudden onset of pregnant women in labor , gave birth to a baby boy , helpless child dad , actually intended to High Speed ​​Patrol Alarm emergency assistance facilities ,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]Beats By Dre[/url], mother and son took the highway .

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