
Title: The methodology in psychology

Title: The theory in psychology, the sea is a symbol of motherhood. The ocean is the biological mother's care on behalf of that child. This test is to detect the true spirit of the age of your heart. In fact, even if a person's age, a great, nor will be very mature. Please choose what you want to be following the same?

1. into a coral

2. into two fish

3. into a group of fish

4. into a sea snake

1. election And there is the Oedipus complex, and often hope that other people care, mental age, still at basic school!

2. election , to be loved by others. However, it appeared very weak in front of lovers.

3. election a decision, so friends, relatives and friends are your spiritual support.

4. election However, sometimes limited to the coverage of self-awareness, the views of others is not easy to listen to the inside.

2 clothing you choose to expose the character of

(please record your selected A, B, C number)

1. the right clothes to wear, you always said:

A. wear does not stuff.

B. As long as with the coordination is beautiful.

C. I have to dress stylish and elegant.

2. choose to work clothes, your criteria are:

A. not very special, usually you can.

B. As long as neat, shipshape, generous enough.

C. deliberate elaboration.

3. If you attend the special occasion, your standards are:

A. let the weather determine what to wear.

B. pick one of the most outstanding.

C. rush to buy a set of new clothes.

4. unwittingly weight you really three or four kilograms, you will:

A. barely scrape together, and age clothes.

B. start to cut down.

C. homeopathic Adds a few new clothes.

5. you have the allowance to buy clothes, it may finally exceed the lot, so that incidence of the salary.

B. try some of the clothes sold to friends and colleagues.

C. to find some plea to do the interpretation and self-comforting.

6. you purchase clothing, what is usually the case:

A. Sale, the time needed to buy enough.

B. buy clothes, very carefully, for in all aspects before buying.

C. As long as a idea, regardless of everything immediately bought.

7. your idea of ​​fashion designers design clothing is:

A. not considered.

B. would like to ask people to design a ready to wear for annuals.

C. As long as conditions allow, will be invited for the chart always the clothes.

8.'s custom-made for all employees of a number of summer uniforms, you will:

A. Whether to work, always in uniform.

B. only wear at work, work immediately put on other clothes.

C. Whenever likely, also try to shirk wearing uniforms to work.

majority of election results easy-going, and you will feel with natural ease; you live chic comfortable,Moncler Jackets, it can own distraction. But you sometimes must care for the public customs, so is thought careless, irresponsible people.

majority election currently living people.

most select Part of your lusty sense of everything disinclined people, in truth, you do not have to feel angry by the comments of others, you are you.

3 from the a la carte

see your character when you and your friends or others to a restaurant or motel, meals, take your order usually is:

A no matter what others only want to eat the food of their own.

B point and the others the same dish.

C first thing to say eat their own.

D be a good point, and then relying on the surrounding circumstances and changes.

E hesitant, a la carte slow.

F ask the bookkeeper annotate the situation and then a la carte dishes.

choose And determined, but it is correct but difficult to say. Look at the price, the people who make decisions rapidly is a reasonable type; want to eat people to choose their own enjoyment of; compare prices before deciding to people and content, mean man.

choose Often ignore the self-existence. Not confident of their own ideas, often immediately obey the views of others, such a person who is susceptible to human influence.

choose Often bypass the self-existence. Not confident of their own minds, often immediately abide the outlooks of others, such a person who is susceptible to person inspire.

choose This type of human gives the impression of weakness. Imaginative, but also rigidly adhere to the details, absence of way to the universal feeling.

choose But your admonition is often caused because of too much to consider each other's position. You can persuade others to listen in good faith, but should not forget their own point of view.

choose The pursuance of act anything amazing. Work actively, in others, the emphasis on either sides of the face. 4 Test your sense of humor you will use your

please truthfully question the retinue types of scrutinize volume from Martin humor

altogether disagree: 1 minute

not agree more: 2

slightly disagree: 3

neutral: 4 points

slightly agree: 5

more agree: 6 points

completely agree: 7 points

1. If someone make a mistake, I would often make fun of them.

2. I do not mind other people make fun of me and laugh at me too many to pay the price.

3. I do not need to spend much effort will be able to make others laugh, I was born humorist.

4. even if not one person, I will happily face of life's setbacks.

5. people do not because of my sense of humor and not happy or sad.

6. I rarely use their own interesting to please others

7. my attitude that I will not humor, frustration and upset and frustrated

8. If I am not happy when lonely, I would like to make some of their interesting fashion up.

9. Sometimes I can not control themselves have been saying a joke, even now my jokes are not appreciated.

10. I like to make others smile.

11. aboard my nerves, I do not how it is also witty.

12. When my friends or my family, I often joke that was someone else who.

13. I have trouble or unhappy, I will use mirth to cover up, so my near friends do not know my true feelings.

14. I am with others, I usually can not think of something interesting for.

15. if it will hurt others, even for a very amusing thing I ambition not be secondhand jokingly.

16. let other people make fun of me is my way to make their emotion.

how to calculate points:

type I, critical humor: base is divided into 14 minutes, plus questions 1 and 9 points, minus Questions 5 and 15 scores.

type II, to please others, sense of humor: found is divided into 7 points, plus the problems score of 3 and 10, minus the problem 6 and 14 scores.

Type III, self-teasing humor: the problem 2,12,13 and 16 scores joined together.

Type IV, life humor: divided into 3 elementary questions 7 and 8 with the score minus the score of question 11.

If you are a certain kind of score higher than 17, you use a high degree of such reaches; if 11 to 17 points, the use of middle, if less than 11 points, the use of cheap level. The highest score on your type of humor you used to use way.

5 you get along with people?

the following 4 types of popular scrapbooks, which most fascinate you?

A: with specialized wisdom (such as valid alternatively medicinal classification)

B: Comedy Comedy

C: will romance category

D: hanging infer reasoning class

Option A: You are a good index of 20 points you get along to others and their demands are high, people get along with you when considerable psychological pressure, but in fact you are a knife jaws tofu heart, the most rational and efficacious when communicating with treatment, or the use of soft power frankly agree, then huge things will become trifling.

Option B: you get along with 70 sub-index is the lad you are possible to be bullying suppression, always placing him beneath the wind. However, despite the bad feelings of creature used, when the climate go wind, but after a short while you will be able to forget, and will not influence the believe of others.

Select the C: to get along with your index is 30 points clear roseate with You are looking for is a adore, even if they have the older, longer look forward to have a manly conditions.

select D: to get along with your index is 99 points in the clash occurs, the world you live in the self, often make others distressing.

6 pass your relationships if you do

into a sleeping child, he suddenly opened his eyes, do you calculate then he react?

A, crying

B, laugh

C, close your eyes to sleep

D, cough

Because of this anxiety, distrust easily revealed in the face, then the other side also had the same reaction.

Select A person is not you is a very confident person, so very terrified to get along with others, alarm of revealing their failings, so often shrink in their shells hesitant. If you have longer confident that affirmative adjoin with others, I trust you will find the outside world is very beauteous.

choose B, you are a self-confident people face the people, webbing skills and very good, very easy to mix with others; but to disburse attention, do not over-confident, only to revel in their own world, ignoring the others feelings, ideas.

choose C, you are very lonely people who, together with others, not like a elated person is more free, they simply do not want to, feel no need to enter the world of others; but the work is re- Note teamwork, must not be a loner, so you had better adjust their own good.

D of the person you choose is a very nervous person, exceedingly cared about relationships, but also carefully to preserve; but too concerned about other people's feelings, thoughts, will be darted into his exhausted, it is best to relax yourself , normal to the face of interpersonal relationships.

7 sense of amusement psychological tests

If you accidentally get one thousand yuan premium, actually need to buy a coat, but insufficient money; if you do not need to buy a couple of sports shoes, the addition of a few hundred greenbacks, how would you do?

1. own Tim some money to buy the overcoat back.

2. buy shoes to go buy some other small things.

3. what not to buy the first deposit.


buy a coat: Your decision fairly good, nevertheless sometimes half-hearted, hesitant roaming, but always an important moment in the decision, compared to the mean person has be outstanding it! The most outstanding feature is you made a decision not to go back.

buy shoes: you are undecided people, things did not assertive, forever ask others to give you counsel, you rarely make their own decrees, because you have some personality, self-esteem, can not be sure their own, like you Some people must have underwent psychological mar, or approximately people too good, so the result is not as good as you always were feeling.

not buy: You are super strong sense of people, to say, you even a little careless, impulsive straightforward because your personality, but consider carefully enough, you often rue their fast decision to ignore the other things.

8 character

dining posture test day, she went to your house for dinner, you base her chopsticks way:

A, tiny finger and ring finger are hard bent < br>
B, the little finger stuck up

C, with the index finger support chopsticks activities


A culling of her: quite satisfactory, the principle of doing things, responsible . Stable, mature, physical condition is good. Once the decision to do something, they try to make people feel she was credible and compliant to give her the mission.

she choose B: This position shows her body feeble, personality anxiety, mood swings. Easy to produce allergic reactions, is a nervous person. But she has good potential, if given the become will have a good score.

she choose C: chopstick illustrate this situation who are extra self-willed, cultural favorite, commitment to their ideals, have not approached the tenacity to not give up. Such people tend to prefer successful.

9 sea COMMENTEDmore

interpersonal communication, you know what hidden character flaw? If you can clear disadvantage where to enhance, it will become a master of social. Title: Summer sea venture. When you ride a leisurely ship at sea, suddenly emerged from the sea, a dolphin, strangely enough, it even then people will say. Do you think it will say Na Yiju most surprised you, then?

A. There are a lot of sharks, be careful oh.

B. Below this there are many treasures!

C. Now what I say is listen to the ... ...

D. In front of a beautiful coral reef!

E. Please Do not be wondered, I was wizardry was cornered into dolphins!

F. Excuse me now?


choose A, you chose to let you know the danger of words, showing that you are a very detailed person, careless mistakes seldom occur to you. As a matter of lesson others will have distress, but usually you aid others first. Because you are alive a life of stress, so slipshod people will not forgive, you have transform very nervous it! This would be annoying! So I recommend you: for the mistakes of others, how numerous are lenient it!

choose B, you are sometimes very stupid, often of assorted sizes of the mistakes one by one to, but surprisingly, these mistakes will always reiterate the same mistakes, is really a silly person family. Tim has given people around a lot of trouble, but they touch you, you have seen through your sloppy, so it can be gradually adopted, relatively unhurt feeling. Do not forget to be careful of anything, work hard to master it!

choose C, you are likely to result in an unguarded moment, Although you do not maliciously, but carried away, the words were too often take some, nuisance caused by this error, is the psychological damage, it is very serious. Therefore, after careful consideration you have to develop the habit to mention, words do not put out by the head.

selected D, you choose to maintain a relaxed dialogue, often because of careless mistakes. Because your personality is very joyful, so no matter what kind of mistakes can knob lightly. Of course, this will give people around trouble, but you will smile to get others to understand, you should be able to get the best acting gift. However, if the light like a baby to handle with the mistake, then, one day you will flee into the calamity.

choose E, you are a very reliable, almost no inadvertent problems, but at the peak of the slightest forgetfulness, it will change a lot of mistakes. Never anticipated the people around you reason problems, so trouble is particularly massive. Therefore, ahead the completion of a large circumstance, please pay special attention to the moment of relaxation. Choose F, select the time you ask the dolphins, are the shortcomings of their own people, if his hand. Your mistakes because you are very neglectful, forget the meeting place for a while, while in turn forgotten in the bag on the exercise, this error will always have a second bar! As to the people around the trouble they have caused, as the circumstance may be, but they do not liken their losses. If you do often forget something, then we must develop the accustomed of taking notes!

10 Test: Do you have any charming qualities

1. You must eat breakfast habits? There are no → 2 → 3

2. You have any pets? There are no → 7 → 3

3. You have to work via the experience? There are no → 7 → 4

4. Your active good? → 9 is not → 6

5. You now cut back on? → 9 is not → 10

6. When do you think go to the movies, it must be enjoyable to eat and drink something? → 9 is not → 10

7. Do you think aliens had not seen on Earth? → 11 is not → 8

8. Do you have a lot of the opposite sex? Is → 12 not → 9

9. You rarely peruse comics? → 13 is not → 10

10. Will you go to KTV to sing non-stop, hard to give up? → 13 is not → 14

11. You like to eat a sandwich? → 14 is not → 12

12. You will own a very different cuisine? → 15 is not → 13

13. It will draw your illustrations? → 16 is not → 14

14. Grid pattern you liked? → 16 is not → 18

15. Think you are going overseas to learn, work? → 19 is not → 16

16. Have you ever participated in a star's flare club or hang around in the star's website? There are no → 20 → 17

17. You are often pushed to tears? Is → 21 not → 18

18. The feelings you have it both ways in the state? Is → 21 not → 22

19. Do you think life would be very inconvenient without a mobile phone? Kan K, is also very troubled? Is → 23 not → 20

20. Note that you are banking and fiscal information? → 24 is not → 21

21. Do you like panic movies? → 25 is not → 22

22. You do not like to beverage coffee? → 25 is not → 26

23. You like to wear fragrance? → A is not → B

24. Do you have more than 5 bottles of rind care productions or cosmetics? → C is not → D

25. You are a trouble people? → E is not → F

26. You human are constantly invited to participate in activities? → G is not → H

A. It will a standing ovation someone else's leadership school

if in familiar or unfamiliar context you will take the initiative and greet others, a problem occurs, you never hesitated to go toward the solution, like to enjoy others, You are connate with presidency character, often in mandate in the group's position, easy to trust others.

B. Do not know why things trouble you are optimist

Zilai Shu which type of person, all right thing to do will be to find, it will not find words, have you smile in area, there the sound. Your relationships well, we all liked and get along with you, and you are always cheerful and generous, so many friends, often to participate in infinite meetings, so you tired.

C. Stubborn adherence to send you great attention

fashionable information, at all times people talk to you this heading, you will be skillful to immediately talk almost anything and he became good friends. You are very principled man, they do not conflict with your principles, you consult what the thing is good, but if you once go against the rule, it would have nought to talk almost.

D. Active efforts to send solemn

you are a very well-behaved people, self-demanding, respective, for others it will not relax, you like people with high self-binding, slow-hing people with personality can not and you become friends. You are very hard, is different man's good little, because too often converge on knowledge, while ignoring the relationships.

E. Cheerful no effort to send the mysterious lemon

your child no particular likes and dislikes of people, but if something can talk to you are interested in the topic, you will be incapable to stop and conversation with him immediately. The feeling you get along with others and will feel very comfortable, so you can easily make friends, even if you do not actively amplify relationships, it will be unsolicited.

F. Insight into the mysterious faction

people in groups, your words are not many, and even other people the impression you are In fact, you do not like and do not crowd together, just like to hide in while you observe, so you can see other people are meditative about. You also like to discuss with others numerology, horoscopes, fortune telling and the like of learning.

G. Carefree naivete send

you are a person not deeding, the idea of ​​pure, all things do not plan or want to be too distant away, is meantime they type. In principle, at least your friends will like you, but occasionally you may be childish fjust aboutmeone another to send some of the unnecessary trouble, but you yourself are often confused.

H. Good kind of natural to send

you are a very nice person, do not give people the oppression of friends, very considerate, compassionate. Anyone who come to your help, you will do everything they can to pay the provider the power, without asking for anything, not impatient, so your relationships are very good, many people's emotional trash, spiritual first-aid station .

12 Where is your self-confidence?

in a house, what would you hang on the wall?

A hanging paintings

B pictures

C hanging calendar clock calendar


choose A: presumed from the choice: you is the emphasis on mood of people, circled by family and friendship you profoundly. Your greatest self-confidence, make arrangements to come from their own lives, had a taste of life in array to highlight your abilities. But life once interpersonal problems, and often make you seriously hit, because in the mawkish globe, you are an idealist.

choose B: inferred from the choice: your self-confidence comes from the affirmation of others to you. Do you think relationships should be maintained in good self-esteem, clothing, appearance is very important. Others appreciated the vision of your project, will make you confident, of course, a good family background, highly taught, etc., is amounted by you, so you are more traditional old-fashioned, but the pursuit of form people.

Select C: from the selection inference: you have a lot of ambition, with a deep ambition to complete a lot of work, because the self-confidence comes from the ability of rendition is hard type of person. In order to accomplish quick, so slovenly behavior, it seems that some insolent, very impulsive. Because you do not know too much to cover up the tangible and ambition, often people think you are rapacious, snobbish, and boring people.

choose D: inferred from the choice: your self-confidence comes from the work efficiency, spend a lot of thought plans and arrangements, so when you take behavior, there were quite a mature agenda. You are a good strategic character, particularly for essential accidents, never sloppy, even for important dinners, aesthetic clothes will be careful. Watch your class of enthusiasm for work, there is the possibility-break, Do not overwork the heart.

13 quizzes

Please choose -----

on a heaven-sent if you super-powers, which one would you want?

1. fluoroscopy skill.

2. prophecy.

3. teleport.

4. read power.

5. transparent.

6. can fly in the sky.

select the corresponding results:

1. the ability to choose your own subconscious is most lacking! From your choice of view, is the ability of interpersonal communication reaction.

2. the ability to choose your own subconscious is most lacking! From your choice of view, economic capacity.

3. the ability to choose your own subconscious is most lacking! From the look of your choice, is physical.

4. the ability to choose your own subconscious is most lacking! From the look of your choice, is perseverance, patience.

5. the ability to choose your own subconscious is most lacking! From the look of your choice is to flee social pressures.

6. the ability to choose your own subconscious is most missing! From the see of your choice,UGG Shop, sexual ability.

14 from a sitting position to penetrate the psychological reactions

a person's posture, not only the reflection of his usual role features, but too reflect his psychological moment.

sat down heavily on people's feelings at this time must be peevish;

who gently sat down, the mood at this time have to be peaceful;

people sitting sideways, this time the mood in increase to cozy, but also that there is no absence to give a better impression of what you left behind;

sit down in front of you suddenly, his heart or invisible nervousness, or have their ideas do not want to acquaint you;

legs constantly conflict with every other or people who constantly beat the floor, then there must be what makes him nervous and worried;

love with you against people sitting, because he wanted to be you understand;

like sitting side by side with your people with you because he thinks prevalent sense;

aware change from sitting side by side sit in front of people, or you have doubts, or you have a new interest;

consciously move the body, who are psychologically and you want to maintain a certain distance;

ramp into a Bantang sitting posture or deep into the chair, the backs were straight brain tall, because he was psychologically you have a sense of superiority;

to try curling a body heap, his hands caught in the thigh of the person, because he has a drawback in the psychological sense to you;

sat, looked straight ahead, or respectful of you and attempt to leave a good impression, or at the moment What his interior turmoil;

to accommodate a seat height, seat behind forward, legs splayed, riding in the chair along people who just want to show their sensibilities at the moment, tired of your discourse , and would like to suppress;

Qiaoqi his legs of women, or she have trust in their advent, or she would like to get your consideration.

15 personality quizzes

1. if a chip of land is the old-age homes, where would you cover?

A. near the lake

B. mountains approach the rill

C. within

D. Forest

2. you If you dine Western edible which said the first move?

A. bread

B. meat

C. salad

D. beverage

3. If the celebration to drink drink, what do you think with the most fitting?

A. Christmas / New Year's champagne

B. / milk

C. Valentine's Day / National Day

D. wine / whiskey

4. when you commonly take a bath?

A. After dinner


C. before dinner seeing TV on the bed after


E. wake up the morn before bathing

F. There is no characteristic time

5. If you can edge into the sky, hoping to become what?

A. Sun

B. Moon

C. stars

D. cloud

6. Do you think with a ruddy pen

A. is

B. No

7. If you choose the color of curtains, what color would you choose?

A. Red

B. Blue

C. Green

D. White

E. yellow
< br> F. Orange

G. Black

H. Purple

8. elect 1 of your favorite fruit immediately!

A. grapes

B. pear

C. orange

D. banana

E. Cherry

F. Apple

G. grapefruit

H. cantaloupe

I. persimmon

J. pineapple papaya

K. < br>
9. If you are one beast, what you absence with the body color of cilia?

A. Lion / orang

B. feline / blue hair

C. elephant / Lvmao

D. Fox / Rattus

10. you are the right place for fame and fortune, deliberately to please superiors or friends?


B. will not

11. you think a friend is more important than the family do?


B. is not

12. If you are a butterfly, which will stop at the color of cost it?

A. Red

B. Pink

C. yellow

D. Purple

13. vacation Malaise, you will choose to look at what TV shows?

A. variety show

B. news

C. series

D. sports film channels announce

E. < br>
personality test scoring method

scoring method:

1.a.8 points b.15 d.10 sub-sub-sub-c.6

2. a.6 points b.15 points c.6 points d.6 points

3.a.15 points b.6 points c.1 points d.6 points

4.a. 10 b.quarterutes c.6 points d.3 points f.6 points

5.a.1 sub-sub b.1 points c.8 d.15 points

6. a.1 b.3 points

7.a.15 sub-sub-sub-d.8 b.6 points c.6 sub-sub-e.1 points f.3 g.1 points h.10 min

8.a.1 points b.6 points c.8 d.15 points e.3 sub-sub-sub-f.10 g.8 points h.6 points i.3 points j.10 points k.15 points

9.a.15 points b.6 points c.1 points d.6 points

10.a.3 points b.1 points

11.a. 15 b.6 points

12.a.15 points b.8 points c.3 points d.6 points

13.a.10 points b.15 minutes c.6 points d.quarterutes e.10 points

the cumulative score is your score!

40 points or less: more pragmatic, ego, selfish.

40-59 points: a twice character, lonely, reduced mood is nice, not easy to obtain onward with others.

60-78 points: a rational, serious, careful, aloof, indifferent to renown and fortune.

79-89 points: emotional, phantasmal, rich in thoughts, maudlin.

90-100 points: good strong ambition, leadership and desire.

100 points or more: enthusiasm, personality open, frank, childish.

16 100 person global village

if people of all ethnic groups the world by a hundred people to enumerate the proportion of the village, then, the village will have:

57 were Asian;

21 Europeans;

14 名 the Americas and Oceania were

30 whites and 70 non-white

30 名 Christ Hindus and Christians

89 birthright 70 heterosexual and 11 homosexual to love

6 percent of people have a great many the village which is 89

6 per from the United States

80 houses in penniless condition

50 people who are malnourished

1 death

1 person is born

a person who has a microprocessor


higher pedagogy in this access if we know the world, so perseverance and understanding to become a breeze.

1 to test your cerebral age many

topics: the methodology in psychology, the sea is a symbol of motherhood. The sea is the biological mother's attention on behalf of that baby. This test is to discover the true spirit of the age of your heart. In fact, even if a person's age, a large, neither will be very mature. Please choose what you want to be emulating the same?

1. into a coral

2. into two fish

3. into a group of fish

4. into a sea snake

1. voting And there is the Oedipus intricate, and often wish that other people care, mental age, still at primary educate!

2. purchase shoes apt work buy some other small entities.

3. what not to buy the first deposit. The most emphatic trait is you made a determination not to go back.







