
Moncler CoatsMan with a 4 million winning lottery fraud fight debris

Chen used the fake lottery scam.

rich man with four eager to spell out a million pieces lottery winning the lottery

(Reporter correspondent Liu Wei Tang Hongjie photo coverage) Chen spliced ​​with four pieces into a lottery winner $ 1 million lottery, the lottery when in Duijiang center staff to see through, then was arrested. Yesterday, the Chen case of suspected fraud in the first trial, the People's Court held a public hearing, Chen pleaded guilty in court, the case will choose a sentencing date.

June 23 this year, Chen will stop Guancheng District a welfare lottery lottery pick in the abandoned home and found two pieces on the lottery is very consistent pattern, then use a utility knife and a roll transparent plastic,Moncler, it took a few minutes makes up two tickets.

fake lottery prize when seen through

6 月 25 to 14 am, Chen took the stitching complete fake lottery, welfare lottery center Duijiang came to the city,UGG Outlet, the staff found The lottery is a fake lottery artificially spliced ​​into, they call the police, Chen was subsequently arrested.

6 26, Chen was under criminal detention according to law, then Procuratorate filed a fraud indictment of Chen. Yesterday, the Chen case of suspected fraud in the first People's Court held a public hearing, said Chen pleaded guilty in court. The trial, Chen said after the fact did not know he fake winning lottery splicing has been suspected of committing acts of fraud.

prosecutor said,Moncler Coats, in view of Chen, a good attitude, but attempted fraud, Chen brought to the court dealt with leniently. The case will choose a sentencing date.

by Case:

under First, the total face value of 5,000 yuan. Second, the number of sheets of 100 or more counterfeit. Third, the illegal profits of more than 1,000 yuan. If you have not yet constitute a crime, according to


Dongguan hold appeared since the number of fake tickets Duijiang case

(Reporter correspondent Chen Huang Yindi) million criminals on the spot by staff to see through to the police; fake ticket cheats 100, the result into the police station. Recently, many cases of criminals Dongguan appear fake which means that the winning ticket for impersonator fraud case.

According to City Sports Lottery Center Duijiang personnel, after the National holding fake tickets Duijiang cases increased significantly, October 8, one day there have been two. Fraudsters use

last week, Zhao suspects, the use of Unexpectedly, the bottom of the digital alphabet has

award can not succeed, the culprit would not think that a small prize from the eye, then the idea of ​​playing the betting. October 20, Panmou to Duijiang 100, access to He will be two tickets to

sports center, according to Dongguan Technology Department sources, the sports lottery by IVT (which means that the type Duijiang terminal) gently swept away, we can know whether winning the lottery, it can be said is entirely possible to Sometimes, the naked eye and hand alone is not difficult to find, Wabu off fake tickets will become very flat face, the sun can also be found in

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