
Dr Dre HeadphonesA dynamic lookup tablean ideal data structure

A dynamic lookup tablean ideal data structure .Binary sort tree is defined by :binary sort tree T is a tree ,ugg outlet online,or it is empty ,or have about three properties :( 1) ,if the root node in the T of the left subtree is not empty, the left subtree node all & # 20540 ;were less than the root node in the T & # 20540 ;( 2) ,if the root node in the T right subtree is non-empty, its right subtree node all & # 20540 ;are greater than the root node in the T & # ( 20540 ;3 ) ,the T root nodes around the sub-trees are binary sort tree below is the code :file " ;tree.
h" ;# include< ;iostream> ;stack> ;# # include< ;include< ;queue> ;using namespace STD ;define MAX_NODE_NUM # 20 / / tree node of maximum value class Bin_Sort_Tree ;/ / class BSTnode {int tag tree node ;/ / after the preorder as visiting mark int data ;BSTnode lchild ;BSTnode * rchild ;friend class Bin_Sort_Tree ;} ;/ / binary sort tree class Bin_Sort_Tree {public: int Get_data ( BSTnode * P ) {return p-> ;data bool ;} Search_BST ( BSTnode * T ,int a ,BSTnode * & ;F ,BSTnode * & ;P ) { / * position in the tree to find the value of a nodes ,find / ,P save the node address ,* f / P The parent node / position * / P = T ;while ( P ) {if ( p-> ;data = = a ) return else if ( true ;p-> ;data> ;a ) {f = p ;P = p-> ;lchild ;} else {f = p ;P = p-> ;rchild return false ;} } ;} / / a value for the node is inserted in the tree, if the value already exists ,do not insert the void Insert_BST_1 ( BSTnode * & ;T ,int a ) {BSTnode * f = NULL ;BSTnode * P = NULL ;if ( Search_BST ( T ,a ,F ,P, return ) ) ;/ / the tree has the same value node ,not into the else {BSTnode * s = new BSTnode ;s-> ;data = a ;s-> ;lchild = s-> ;rchild = NULL ;if ( s-> ;data> ;f-> ;data ) f-> ;rchild = s; elsef-> ;lchild = s ;} } void Insert_BST_2 ( BSTnode * & T ,int a ) ;/ / insert algorithm recursive {if ( !T ) {cout< ;< ;" ;< ;the tree is empty " ;< ;endl ;return ;} if ( T-> ;data> ;a ) {if ( !T-> ;lchild ) {T-> lchild = new BSTnode ;T-> ;;lchild-> ;data = a ;T-> ;lchild-> ;lchild = NULL ;T-> ;lchild-> ;rchild = NULL ;return ;} elseInsert_BST_2 ( T-> ;lchild ,a ) ;} if ( T-> ;data< ;a ) {if ( !T-> ;rchild ) {T-> rchild = New ;BSTnode ;T-> ;rchild-> ;data = a ;T-> ;rchild-> ;lchild = NULL ;T-> ;rchild-> ;rchild = NULL ;} elseInsert_BST_2 ( return ;T-> ;rchild ,a ) ;} } void Create_BSTree ( BSTnode * & ;T ) / / set {cout< ;< ;" ;input binary sort tree elements ,input - 1 represented the end of input :" ;num ;int ;int a ,I = 0 ;while ( cin> ;> ;a & ;& ;a != - 1 ) {num = a ;I + + ;} if ( Num = = 1 ) {cout< ;< ;" ;sort tree is an empty " ;< ;< ;endl ;return ;} int k = I ;T = new BSTnode ;T-> ;data = num ;T-> ;lchild = T-> ;rchild = NULL ;for ( I = 1 ;i< ;K ;I + + ) Insert_BST_1 ( T ,Num ) ;cout< ;< ;" ;_ _ _ _ achievements completed _ _ _ _ " ;< ;< ;endl ;} void Delete_BST ( BSTnode * & ;T ,int a ) / / delete node value for the a node { / * --------------------------------------------------------- / removed from the tree at a node ,to ensure that the deleted after the tree or a binary sort tree ,Moncler Outlet,/ removed before ,first in the tree to find whether there is the node to the node ,using P / F P ,point to the parent node ,Dr Dre Headphones,the node position in the tree has the following four cases :/ / 1: if P pointing to the node is a leaf node ,then directly to the f pointer to the left subtree or / right subtree .
Empty ,and then delete the P node ./ / 2: if P pointing to the node is only the left subtree or the right subtree ,then only need to make the P node / original position at f ( the left subtree or the right subtree ) with P subtrees in place .
/ / 3: if P by pointing to the node is the root node ,Men Nike Running Shoes,then directly to the root node set null / / 4: if P by pointing to the node or subtree is not empty ,in order to remove the P after the original sequence of cis / sequence unchanged ,it needs in the original sequence to identify the P direct precursor ( or directly subsequent ) / node with the node values instead of P node values ,and then delete the direct anterior / drive ( or subsequent ) node .
/ in the traversal sequence for nodes of the direct precursor method is the node of the children left / right chain domain began ,until the node right child is empty ./ --------------------------------------------------------- * / BSTnode * f = NULL ;BSTnode * P = NULL ;BSTnode * BSTnode * q = NULL ;s = NULL ;if ( Search_BST ( T ,a ,F ,P ) ) {if ( p-> ;lchild & ;& ;p-> ;rchild ) {q = p ;s = p-> ;lchild ;while ( s-> ;rchild ) {q = s ;s = s-> ;rchild p-> ;} ;data = s-> ;data ;/ / s to delete node direct precursor ,Moncler UK,and S is not the right subtree of the if ( q != P ) q-> ;rchild = s-> ;lchild ;elseq-> ;lchild = s-> ;lchild ;/ / this is ,Q left subtree of the right subtree is empty when the delete s ;cout< ;< ;" ;< ;node deletion successful " ;< ;endl ;return ;} else {if ( !P-> ;lchild ) / / left subtree is null {q = p ;P = p-> ;rchild else ;} / / right subtree is null {q = p ;P = p-> ;lchild ;} / / P by pointing to the subtree below will connect to the f refers to ( deleted nodes of the parent node .
) if ( !T ) / / deleted node as the root node T = p ;else if ( q = = f-> ;lchild ) f-> ;lchild = p; elsef-> ;rchild = p ;delete Q ;cout< ;< ;" ;< ;node deletion successful " ;< ;endl ;return ;} } else {cout< ;< ;" ;the node you want to delete not the presence of " ;< ;< ;endl ;return ;} } / / here is a binary tree traversal of the four ,all Non - recursive method of void PreOrder_Traverse ( BSTnode * T ) / / preorder traversal {stack< ;BSTnode * > * p ;s ;BSTnode ;P = T ;while ( s.
empty ( P !) ) {if ( P ) {cout< ;< ;p-> ;data< ;< ;" ;" ;s.push ;( P ) ;P = p-> ;lchild ;} else {P = s.top ( ) ;s.pop ( ) ;P = p-> ;rchild ;} } } void InOrder_Traverse ( BSTnode * T ) / / traversal {stack< ;BSTnode * > ;s ;BSTnode * P = T ;while ( s.
empty P !( ) ) {if ( P ) {s.push ( P ) ;P = p-> ;lchild ;} else {P = s.top ( ) ;s.pop ( ) ;cout< ;< ;p-> ;data< ;< ;" ;" ;p-> ;P = rchild ;} ;} } void PostOrder_Traverse ( BSTnode * T ) / / after the preorder {stack< ;BSTnode * > ;s ;BSTnode * P = T ;while ( s.
empty ( P !) ) {if ( P ) {p-> ;tag = 0 ;s.push ( P ) ;P = p-> ;lchild ;} else {P = s.top ( ) ;if ( p-> ;tag ) {cout< ;< ;p-> ;data< ;< ;" ;" ;s.
pop ;( ) ;P = NULL ;} else {p-> ;tag = 1 ;P = p-> ;rchild ;} } } } void LevelOrder_Traverse ( BSTnode * T ) / / hierarchy traversal {queue< ;BSTnode * > ;Q ;BSTnode * P = T ;q.
push ( P ) ;while ( !Q.empty ( ) ) {P = q.front ( ) ;q.pop ( ) ;cout< ;< ;p-> ;data< ;< ;" ;" ;if ;( p-> ;lchild ) q.push ( p-> ;lchild ) ;if ( p-> ;rchild ) q.
push ( p-> ;rchild ) ;} } } ;The main function of " ;main.cpp" ;include" tree.h" ;int main # ;( ) {Bin_Sort_Tree tree ;BSTnode * root = NULL ;cout< ;< ;" ;_ _ _ _ _ binary sort tree _ _ _ _ " ;< ;< ;endl ;tree.
Create_BSTree ( root ) ;cout< ;< ;" ;before binary tree traversal : " ;tree.PreOrder_Traverse ;( root ) ;cout< ;< ;endl ;cout< ;< ;" ;traversal in binary tree : " ;tree.
InOrder_Traverse ;( root ) ;cout< ;< ;endl ;cout< ;< ;" ;after the traversal binary tree is :" ;tree.PostOrder_Traverse ;( root ) ;cout< ;< ;endl ;cout< ;< ;" ;the level of binary tree traversal : " ;tree.
LevelOrder_Traverse ;( root ) ;cout< ;< ;endl ;int data ;BSTnode * f = NULL ;BSTnode * P = NULL ;cout< ;< ;" ;you have to input the search nodes value :" ;> ;cin> ;data ;if ;( tree.
Search_BST ( root ,data ,F ,P ) ) {cout< ;< ;" ;your search node address : " ;< ;< ;p< ;< ;endl ;cout< ;< ;" ;his parent node value is: " ;< ;< ;tree.
Get_data ( < f ) ;< endl ;} ;elsecout< ;< ;" ;tree no you want to node " ;< ;< ;endl ;cout< ;< ;" ;input you want to delete. Node values :" ;cin> ;> ;data ;tree.
Delete_BST ;( root ,data ) ;cout< ;< ;" ;after removal of the binary tree traversal sequence : " ;tree.InOrder_Traverse ;( root ) ;cout< ;< ;endl ;cout< ;< ;" ;input you want to insert in the tree value :" ;cin> ;> ;data ;tree.
Insert_BST_2 ;( root ,data ) ;cout< ;< ;" ;after insertion, tree traversal sequence : " ;tree.InOrder_Traverse ;( root ) ;cout< ;< ;endl ;return 0 ;} here is the test
results _ _ _ _ _ binary sort tree _ _ _ _ input binary sort tree elements ,input - 1 represented the end of input :57329488 110 - 1 _ _ _ _ achievements completed _ _ _
_ preorder traversal of binary tree is :53214798 10 traversal in binary tree is: 12345789 10 after the traversal of binary tree is :124381097 5 level of binary tree traversal : 53724918
10 input you want to search the node values :7 your search node address : 00380D18 his parent node value is: 5 input you want to delete the node values :10 node deletion was successfully
removed after the binary tree traversal sequence : 12345789 input you want to insert the values in the tree : 6 after insertion, tree traversal sequence : 12345678 9Press any key to continue
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