
What is wrong about the concept of microwave ovens

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microwave oven has been popular for many years, more and more dedicated to microwave cooking of food. Popcorn, heating frozen food, vegetables, cooking bags are just a few. However, microwave ovens are always caught in the We offer the following top ten misconceptions about microwave ovens list.

1, all metals will take the Mars
whenever the metal into the microwave oven will see Mars, is it? Although the fiber, CD, light bulbs, aluminum foil, etc. will be issued strange sparks, but not all metals are like this. Thickness of the metal without sparking phenomenon (except fork), and has maintained a lower temperature, because it resisted the microwave emission. Heating with a metal bowl things in vain, because the metal plays a protective role in a bowl. However, this is not a good idea, although it will not spark.

2, nutrient loss

boycott microwave oven of the most common reason is that it may lead to nutrient loss. Cooking food using any method will result in loss of nutrients. The longer the cooking of food, nutrition lose the more. Just like any other heat source, like microwave heating of food, but the study of its nature, it is a chemical process.

3, food

microwave radiation is not radioactive. It is the same as using the sun or fire to heat food. The microwave oven emits only water molecules in an active campaign to cause friction with the formation of heat. Using the microwave oven without wearing fluorescent clothing and clothing against biological hazards. However, using the microwave oven door is really a bad idea.

4, thaw cycles

microwave thawing on the button of course applies to all kinds of food, especially meat. Although it looks very worry, but not the fastest way to thaw food. Microwave oven to produce heat depends on the water, and ice like water does react. In the thaw cycle, periodically switching to microwave heating liquids, then the heat transferred to the still frozen on the items. The fastest way to thaw foods is to put it into a bowl filled with hot water.

5, heating oil

oil does not have that kind of polarization of the water, and does not like water, as affected by microwave. You may be wondering why the butter in the microwave oven is very easy. While butter is coming from the oil processing, but there is still enough water to transfer heat to heat it.

6, from the inside out

seen how the butter in the microwave to melt it? It seems to be melting from the inside out. Cooked food is usually from outside to inside, the heat from the edge of the shift to the center. If you want to see the limits of microwave capabilities, may wish to cook a large piece of meat. Microwave can only penetrate an inch thick, and the rest depends on the heat transfer.

7, consume more energy

20 bags of microwave popcorn processing than half an hour baking process way to save energy. Despite its relative energy,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/][b]title=Beats By Dre Sale[/b][/url], but in fact it is more energy efficient,[url=http://www.moncler-online.us][b]title=moncler sale[/b][/url], it is because it takes more than other cooking methods less. So you not only save energy Shihai Oh.


microwave sterilization is often described as Despite its sounds can kill all kinds of bacteria, however, is not the case. Unlike other cooking methods because it is so uniform heating, the bacteria will be killed because it could be hidden in the cooler regions. This is why the recommendation of its users in the process of cooking food because the food stirring constantly.

9, leading to cancer

front of you heard that microwave ovens do not see eye to avoid being burned? A longer period of time will be close to microwave ovens cause cancer? All of these are nonsense. Microwave emitted radio waves with similar, not the kind of radiation can cause cancer of the wave. The important point is that microwave ovens may leak, but it can be easily monitored and maintained.

10, accidentally discovered the invention of microwave ovens

most often heard about the story is a self-taught engineer Percy? Spencer (Percy Spencer) and a melting chocolate bars. Although the story based on facts, but did not give the whole picture. Forties of last century, Percy? Spencer invented the microwave oven is one of the determinants, his discovery is not an accident. Raytheon Company (raytheon company) with a radar display tubes tested for many years,[url=http://www.ugg-onlineoutlet.com/][b]title=UGG Boots[/b][/url], engineers in the winter months to use their hands warm. As for the microwave to cook food, it takes a long time to study.
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