
UGG Online OutletLate developers dissatisfied owners to discuss real estate license ten million pena

(Reporter intern reporter Liu Nairong history) because of dissatisfaction with the developer overdue for real estate license, the morning of November 6,UGG Online Outlet, 67 Guanganmenwai Xihaoyijing residential developers, property owners gathered in the office area, required by the contract agreed to pay liquidated damages. According to statistics owners, developers should pay the penalty amount will reach 15 million yuan.

yesterday afternoon, officials say developers, property owners have filed a lawsuit verdict will be based on further processing.

6 日 9:00 and more, from Xihaoyijing Community Building 5, Building 7 of the 67 owners gathered at the district office outside of the developer, requiring the developer to pay under the contract liquidated damages. Liu said the owners, the two buildings around the end of April 2008 handover, according to real estate sale contract, the developer should be in the April 30, 2009 to obtain the proof of ownership of real estate where the BAN, but the developers postponed to February 9, 2010 in order to obtain proof of ownership of housing, leading to more than 2 building owner has not made within the real estate license. The owners say, by contract,Moncler London, such as expiration without obtaining proof of ownership housing, the developer agreed to pay from the date of the next day to actually get the date, daily and paid to buy a house full of people paid one in a million breach of contract gold; contract also agreed-party liability as a result of developers, real estate owners fail to 540 days from the date of delivery to obtain real estate license and right to check out, the developer should be paid Fangjiakuan percent of the owners has been paid liquidated damages.

owners have also said that two buildings in a total of about 500 inhabitants, of which only a very small portion for a real estate license, not the owners of real estate license, according to the contract at least can get the three general $ 40,000 penalty. Even so, developers have to pay liquidated damages will total 15 million yuan. Owners said they have to find developers to talk about this issue, but did not get solution.

yesterday afternoon, Beijing beatification Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. Mr. Zhu said Office,Moncler UK, the contract does have provisions related to breach of contract, the current Building 5, Building 7, the owners have filed this lawsuit, which a case has been hearing. For the reasons for overdue real estate license, Mr. Chu said there are He also said the results a few weeks after the court after the verdict will be based on further processing, if the owner can still agree to take the proceedings.

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