
UGG Online Apple II Legend ( 1) ( 2 )

Apple II Legend (1)

have a car, light and lovely, nimble, one came in the shape and functions of the subversion of the traditional automotive design; both like Ferrari, Porsche, as free and easy flowing, unlike Pa Sartre, Santana as legalistic; in sales, it never pursue Mercedes-Benz, BMW's high-end line, but a start targeting the most ordinary and most necessary means of transport for the general public; after 70 years of wind and rain, passing 7 on behalf of the , 4 years of production in global sales of 1.3 million, total global sales to date is a staggering more than 2000 million! This car has a nice name - the Beatles.

in the personal computer, there is such a timeless, cute model - Apple's second generation of computer products Apple II.

believe that after quite a few 70 have used in school Apple II. Even if not used a real Apple II,UGG Online, but also used some unauthorized domestic production of a variety Apple II compatible, such as the CEC-I the most famous Chinese learning machine. I wrote in high school when his first machine language program and a game program is one written on the Apple IIe. If there is no Apple II and the Chinese learning machine, maybe I simply will not be hooked up from the school program, and would not today be a day in front of the keyboard, screen, software engineers to work, not to pick up a pen to write this with Steve Jobs and Apple-related books. I believe many people have told me, has special feelings for the Apple II. As an open decades old Beetle drivers, no matter what kind of luxury cars, are no substitute for the Beatles in the position of the eyes.

Apple II been fascinated by the whole world, on reflection, probably for two reasons, first, unique design, the second is market position. One reason attributed to the former Wards talented engineers, the latter reason is inextricably linked with the discerning eye of Steve Jobs.

Apple I was already leading in the design of a personal computer era. However, Apple I, after all, only a highly integrated motherboard, not a complete computer. Apple I just completed the design and manufacture, Woz put the focus turned to the Apple II development.

Apple I have experience in the design and manufacture of Wards more skillful the. At this time the Wards as omnipotent God,UGG Online, as long as he believes that the PC should have what kind of function, that function will certainly appear in the shortest time on the Apple II.

God said, Apple I only monochrome display, this is not cool, Apple II must support color. So, do not spend a long time, the Wards on the Apple II easily get color output interface. As long as the user on the computer connected to the color TV, you can see high-resolution color screen. To this end, Apple II in 1977 formally offered for sale, specially designed with a new rainbow Apple logo, to emphasize the color feature.

God said, Apple I started, but also load the tape in order to use the BASIC language, which is not cool, Apple II to be built-in BASIC language. Thus, BASIC language interpreter is encapsulated in the chip inside the Apple II. Apple II has become the world's first boot you can directly communicate with the BASIC computer language and personal computers. Ordinary people have a real and computer communication, dialogue possible.

God said, Apple I's extension is not strong, can not connect too many peripherals, this is not cool, Apple II have eight expansion slots. Thus, the universal calculation of the Jobs and Woz between the first occurrence of disagreement. Jobs insisted that the two expansion slots would be sufficient, one for modem and one for printers, and more expansion slots will increase the manufacturing cost of the computer. But Woz firmly defend their right to the designer. Extension of time for computer users is crucial. Wards and even Steve Jobs said: Apple II was one of the important reasons customers love.

quickly, in about August 1976 (this time from the Apple company set up only four months), Watts completed the Apple II prototype design and create the first piece of the Apple II motherboard. According to Woz's own words, this prototype

Apple II Legend (2)

Wards Although introverted, shy, but like other engineers, was particularly fond of showing off their work. Apple II has yet to be released, Watts took the prototype on HP colleagues to show off everywhere. Each saw the Apple II HP engineers will loudly praise:

order to better show off Apple II, Woz himself out of BASIC language and playing a game similar to the brick wall, but more interesting program. After the program code, he called up Steve Jobs, Apple II made him a powerful personal experience.


All software written in the game, the world will not change.

In his mind, Apple II just as a successful practice, turned out the swordsman like gown Piaoye, Jian Qi aspect came to himself.

time, Steve Jobs in front of the Apple II or a bare board. How this guy is about to wrap up that shocked the world, allowing users to see it when it shines it?


Jobs suddenly had a crazy idea, since the computer will eventually have for each ordinary people, no matter how cool the technology, are the hands of ordinary people will eventually become the most convenient tool, then, for ordinary people, the computer should be as beautiful as household appliances, convenient and easy to use.

time,UGG Online, no computer to use the plastic chassis. Because all previous computer to scientists, professors, students, geeks ready, and in those people's eyes, plastic toys and not just a synonym for the professional. Apple II's mission is to change the world. One is about how computers can change the world like those doddering predecessors, the use of metal or wood cabinet it?

Jobs for this crazy idea. He rushed into the study of various household appliances every department store design. Macy's (Macy's) of the kitchen area, Steve Jobs is Cuisinart brand food cooking machine attracted to the plastic shell.

Jobs hired the industrial designer 杰里曼诺克 (Jerry Manock), asked him to design case for the Apple II. Jerry eventually come up with the design draft is nearly perfect. Apple II's chassis not only looks elegant, outstanding, also has a very easy to open the top cover, do not remove any screws, you can directly take the cover off in order to plug expansion cards.

1977 年 4 月, Apple II on the West Coast Computer Fair (West Coast Computer Fair) for the first time in public appearances. Although Apple has not loud at that time the name of the first, Apple II or in the event that has attracted the attention of countless people. Through Apple booth people do not believe the PC can also be put into the plastic chassis, do not believe that a strong function of the computer motherboard design could be so simple and bold. After the show a few weeks, Apple II had received more than 300 orders, more than the Apple I in the past year the total sales even more.

Jobs for the Apple II set the market position is a universal type of personal computer. This is not only reflected in the chassis design. From the beginning, Steve Jobs's mind is very clear, for the average person, the computer in two of the most attractive: games and office.

game needs, the company Steve Jobs at Atari has been very familiar. Now, Apple II not only has a full-color high-resolution images, as well as built-in BASIC language interpreter, were all common in personal computers, Apple II already has the unmatched ability of the game.

of course, the light has gaming capability, and not enough to persuade the United States and around the world families to purchase Apple II. After all, more than $ 1000 price is not a small sum.

