
Dre Beats Cheap and thus my sample size is a bit low. But there is a definite &quot

... with going to a big convention and staying in one of the convention hotels is that your social group becomes a dominant social group, which is almost never the case in real life. And a society dominated by chemists and chemical engineers is actually a little creepy. All the people in a suit dating to the era of their thesis defenses (chemists and chemical engineers mostly don't have to wear suits every day, and do not see much reason to waste money on something they won't get much use out of) with intense, low voices, not making eye contact when they're trying to think (if you ever want to play "spot the scientist", this is a dead giveaway), and folding our arms and sticking out our chins when we're pissed off.

Interestingly, I'm starting to realize that I can predict with fair accuracy what I might look like in thirty years. I'd be able to be more accurate if I were a guy: there's still a definite XY-chromosomes bias in postgraduate research, and thus my sample size is a bit low. But there is a definite "50-60 year old female engineer" style which I will slowly enter into.

I'm at the ACS national meeting in Salt Lake City. Salt Lake is quite nice, although the downtown area needs to have more residential development to be a truly vibrant community. I hadn't been here before and I hadn't realized how close the mountains are... I will have to come back some summer and get some hiking in.

The reason I haven't posted in a while is twofold:I am hell of busy, for starters. I want to try and graduate this year [url=http://www.beatsbydreaudio.co.uk]Dre Beats Cheap[/url]


, and I just got a journal article back with what Ithink was a disrespectful review saying it needs *major revision* but not actually quarrelling with any of my data or conclusions. This... is rude. And if you want someone to rewrite a paper you put in a *lot* of specific suggestions... or just say "reject" outright. So after some insane rage and tears in the ladies room on friday I'm stepping away for the weekend and focusing on the talk I'm giving onMonday. The other reviewer, btw, said "Minor revisions" and gave specific suggestions.This is fine. I wasn't thinking they'd say "OHWOWABBIEYOUROCKWE'LLTAKE YOURARTICLEUNEDITED" but it is a GOOD article and does not deserve this sort of treatment.

It's like fanfiction writing and the whole "concrit" debate. I wonder if there's a science_wank community somewhere on here.

Tell you what, though, if someone messes with me in the Q&A section of my talk I may just challenge them to a ritual duel to the death. This is allowed in our mirror-world engineer society. I'd win, too. I've been v. good with the exercise thing. I'm now in the "fit" body fat percentage thing and I can bench press... well, 75 pounds for three sets. Which isn't good but it's a lot better than I was when I started. I love doing lat pulls and watching my biceps pop.

And then there's the facebook thing. It turns out I *don't* need to have thoughtful creative expression!I only need to write two sentences every other day or so and the blogging urge is suppressed. It's fun, but LJseems deeper. I still prefer reading it, but have not been much inclined to write.

So, I'm always listening. And any of you who just miss hearing me talk about my cats ) can always sign up to my facebook.... email me and I'll hook you up with my real last name.


Source by the beats by dre relate article:

