
Beats By Dreas it shows up on the bracket sheet. To make sure there are no mistakes


1. In the bracket sheet above, each bracket is a single match-up. Choose which character you think will win in the polls and move them forward to the next round, until you FILL OUT THE ENTIRE SHEET, FROM NUMBER 1 TO NUMBER 63.

2. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT: Any comment that doesn't follow this exact format will not count in the office pool. My system for awarding points won't recognize spelling/formatting mistakes [url=http://www.beatsbydreaudio.co.uk/]Beats By Dre[/url]


, and I can't go through everyone's predictions fixing it for them.

Copy and paste the following into a comment:

3. Use the name of the character EXACTLY as it shows up on the bracket sheet. To make sure there are no mistakes, you can copy and paste the character names from here:

Liz Lemon
Lana Kane
Lucille Bluth
Robin Scherbatsky
Laurie Keller
Abed Nadir
Kelly Kapoor
Phil Dunphy
Leslie Knope
Dee Reynolds
Sheldon Cooper
Maurice Moss
Penny Hartz
Veronica Mars
Chris Miles
Alice Cullen
Caroline Forbes
Hermione Granger
Blair Waldorf
Santana Lopez
Spencer Hastings
Lorelai Gilmore
Jenna Hamilton
Seth Cohen
Tami Taylor
Katniss Everdeen
Artemis Crock
Dana Scully
Constance Langdon
Tony Stark
Donna Noble
Dean Winchester
Snow White
Annie Sawyer
Kelly Bailey
Buffy Summers
Sansa Stark
Kara Thrace
Daryl Dixon
Zoe Washburne
Eric Northman
Olivia Dunham
Audrey Parker
John Watson
Margaret Schroeder
Kalinda Sharma
Lucrezia Borgia
Alice Morgan
Jesse Pinkman
CJ Cregg
Kono Kalakaua
Temperance Brennan
Emily Thorne
Mary Crawley
Fiona Gallagher
Peggy Olson
Kate Beckett
Omar Little

4. Each correctly predicted character earns you the number of points assigned to that round, with a possible total of 1200 points. The prize for winning the Fandom Office Pool is a Wild Card Round in next year's prelims! That means you get to choose one fandom that isn't in the game and challenge any other fandom to a runoff vote, the way we did this year with Leverage vs. Homeland. The winning character will move onto the next round.

5. If there are any edits made to your comment after the pool is closed, your bracket sheet will be disqualified.

(Office Pool closed as of Saturday, March 10, 1:10PM EST)
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Dre Beats Cheap and thus my sample size is a bit low. But there is a definite &quot

... with going to a big convention and staying in one of the convention hotels is that your social group becomes a dominant social group, which is almost never the case in real life. And a society dominated by chemists and chemical engineers is actually a little creepy. All the people in a suit dating to the era of their thesis defenses (chemists and chemical engineers mostly don't have to wear suits every day, and do not see much reason to waste money on something they won't get much use out of) with intense, low voices, not making eye contact when they're trying to think (if you ever want to play "spot the scientist", this is a dead giveaway), and folding our arms and sticking out our chins when we're pissed off.

Interestingly, I'm starting to realize that I can predict with fair accuracy what I might look like in thirty years. I'd be able to be more accurate if I were a guy: there's still a definite XY-chromosomes bias in postgraduate research, and thus my sample size is a bit low. But there is a definite "50-60 year old female engineer" style which I will slowly enter into.

I'm at the ACS national meeting in Salt Lake City. Salt Lake is quite nice, although the downtown area needs to have more residential development to be a truly vibrant community. I hadn't been here before and I hadn't realized how close the mountains are... I will have to come back some summer and get some hiking in.

The reason I haven't posted in a while is twofold:I am hell of busy, for starters. I want to try and graduate this year [url=http://www.beatsbydreaudio.co.uk]Dre Beats Cheap[/url]


, and I just got a journal article back with what Ithink was a disrespectful review saying it needs *major revision* but not actually quarrelling with any of my data or conclusions. This... is rude. And if you want someone to rewrite a paper you put in a *lot* of specific suggestions... or just say "reject" outright. So after some insane rage and tears in the ladies room on friday I'm stepping away for the weekend and focusing on the talk I'm giving onMonday. The other reviewer, btw, said "Minor revisions" and gave specific suggestions.This is fine. I wasn't thinking they'd say "OHWOWABBIEYOUROCKWE'LLTAKE YOURARTICLEUNEDITED" but it is a GOOD article and does not deserve this sort of treatment.

It's like fanfiction writing and the whole "concrit" debate. I wonder if there's a science_wank community somewhere on here.

Tell you what, though, if someone messes with me in the Q&A section of my talk I may just challenge them to a ritual duel to the death. This is allowed in our mirror-world engineer society. I'd win, too. I've been v. good with the exercise thing. I'm now in the "fit" body fat percentage thing and I can bench press... well, 75 pounds for three sets. Which isn't good but it's a lot better than I was when I started. I love doing lat pulls and watching my biceps pop.

And then there's the facebook thing. It turns out I *don't* need to have thoughtful creative expression!I only need to write two sentences every other day or so and the blogging urge is suppressed. It's fun, but LJseems deeper. I still prefer reading it, but have not been much inclined to write.

So, I'm always listening. And any of you who just miss hearing me talk about my cats ) can always sign up to my facebook.... email me and I'll hook you up with my real last name.


Source by the beats by dre relate article:

Beats By Dre bronn "black ofhair andheart"

"beer foamy!", "frak!", "the binding is fragile.", , , an angel named castiel, avoiding anything monochrome, baratheon's house words, , benjen stark's perfect face, , bronn "black ofhair andheart", bronn/tyrion brotp, brothers of night's watch, bsg cast = best, , , , christian bale oscar winner, christian bales' tantrums, , , condar!kahlan, , cripples bastards broken things, , , , deadpan snarker of westeros, dexter fucking morgan, [url=http://www.beatsbydreaudio.co.uk/]Beats By Dre[/url]


, , , , , evangeline lilly appreciation life, every radiohead lyrics ever, everything chuck palahniuk wrote, , , , , gaius frakking baltar, , , greyjoy's kraken, , , , , , , , , , , kate austen is awesome, kate's aliases, kate's epic hair, , , , , looking through dumbledore's pensieve, , , , , , , naming dragons after viserys, naming kids after stannis, naming kids after tyrion, no kate no lost, , , , , people not reading twilight, , , , rain makes everything pretty, , ramsay's lulzy pink letter, , robb the king, robb the lord, , , , , , , , sandor "the hound" clegane, sandor clegane's everything, sandor clegane's voice, sandor clegane/life, , , , saul motherfrakkin tigh, ser bronn of blackwater, , , , , , , stannis is the fury, stark direwolves, , , , team lobster, thank you boar expert!, , , , , , , tyrion lannister's brilliant mind, val the wildling, val the wildling princess, val/jon, , , , what-would-tyler-durden-do, when all is darkest, when misha collins tweets, when my cat snores, , , ~ka-like-the-wind~
Source by the beats by dre relate article:

Beats By Dre UKand

Gryffindor's cardinal traits are bravery, pride, stubbornness and impulsiveness. Most people in the house of Gryffindor will be extraverted. (Remember, introversion is different than being shy: you can be a shy extrovert.) Gryffindors gain energy and life by being around people, grain strength from friends and enjoy working with those close to them. However [url=http://www.beatsbydreaudio.co.uk/]Beats By Dre UK[/url]


, they are also emotionally volatile and can experience a wide range of feelings in a short amount of time, from unbridled happiness to deep depression to unrestrained rage. They are less emotionally stable than some of the other houses (such as Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff); Gryffindors are also impulsive. They're also generally good-hearted and trusting, and for the most part like people at first sight unless they are given a reason not to. Gryffindors are Prideful, bad at taking criticism and easilyget into conflicts with others��this is the main trait that would bring their overall level of agreeableness from high to average.

A Gryffindor's prideful nature coupled with their sense of justice and stubborn behavior causes them to be extremely set in their ways. They have a difficult time backing down from a fight or admitting that they are wrong. It's also very hard for them to get over a bad first impression or change their opinion on someone.

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Licensed to Auburn University         HY-TEK's Meet Manager 10/17/2008 07:40 PM           2008 SE War Eagle Invitational - 10/17/2008 to 10/19/2008                                               Results                                     Event 3  Girls 15 & Over 50 Yard Freestyle===============================================================================          22.89  WCT          23.89  SCSR          24.09  SCJR          25.59  SECT          26.09  SE          27.79  ALHS    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points ===============================================================================  1 Von Jouanne, Jenny  18 AU-SE                     NT      23.89 SCSR    Event 4  Boys 15 & Over 50 Yard Freestyle===============================================================================          19.99  WCT          20.99  SCSR          21.59  SCJR          22.49  SECT          23.59  SE          25.39  ALHS    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points ===============================================================================  1 Targett, Matthew S  22 AU-SE                  19.99      19.73 WCT     Event 7  Girls 15 & Over 200 Yard IM===============================================================================        2:00.29  WCT        2:06.09  SCSR        2:06.89  SCJR        2:13.59  SECT        2:17.89  SE        2:32.99  ALHS    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points ===============================================================================  1  B      20 AU-SE                2:02.00    2:01.55 SCSR                     26.42       57.12 (30.70)     1:32.90 (35.78)     2:01.55 (28.65)  2  L   19 AU-SE                2:03.00    2:05.99 SCSR                     26.95       57.79 (30.84)     1:36.07 (38.28)     2:05.99 (29.92)  3  K  19 AU-SE                2:01.00    2:06.16 SCJR                     27.66       59.84 (32.18)     1:36.17 (36.33)     2:06.16 (29.99)  4  A    20 AU-SE                2:04.80    2:06.53 SCJR                     27.09       58.67 (31.58)     1:37.37 (38.70)     2:06.53 (29.16)  6  M   18 AU-SE                2:03.00    2:08.45 SECT                     28.08     1:02.47 (34.39)     1:37.96 (35.49)     2:08.45 (30.49)  7  A   18 AU-SE                2:03.00    2:10.28 SECT                     27.35     1:01.26 (33.91)     1:40.04 (38.78)     2:10.28 (30.24) 10        21 AU-SE                2:01.00    2:11.05 SECT                     28.30     1:03.86 (35.56)     1:40.61 (36.75)     2:11.05 (30.44) 11 Von Jouanne, Jenny  18 AU-SE                2:08.00    2:11.71 SECT                     28.04     1:01.99 (33.95)     1:41.13 (39.14)     2:11.71 (30.58) 12  F   21 AU-SE                2:15.00    2:12.30 SECT                     26.85       59.27 (32.42)     1:41.99 (42.72)     2:12.30 (30.31) 15 MacGregor, Abigail  20 AU-SE                2:07.00    2:15.10 SE                       29.24     1:04.25 (35.01)     1:41.55 (37.30)     2:15.10 (33.55) 17  S      21 AU-SE                2:15.00    2:16.41 SE                       27.82     1:04.45 (36.63)     1:44.66 (40.21)     2:16.41 (31.75) --    19 AU-SE                2:03.00         NS         --  C       22 AU-SE                2:10.99         NS         --  A    21 AU-SE                2:10.00         NS         -- Bunch [url=http://www.beatsbydreaudio.co.uk/]Dr Dre Headphones[/url]


, Blakely J 21 AU-SE 2:05.00 NS -- C 20 AU-SE 2:12.00 NS -- 19 AU-SE 2:15.00 NS -- C 21 AU-SE 2:05.00 NS -- M 20 AU-SE 2:04.50 NS -- M 19 AU-SE 2:02.00 NS Event 8 Boys 15 & Over 200 Yard IM=============================================================================== 1:47.59 WCT 1:52.99 SCSR 1:54.59 SCJR 2:01.49 SECT 2:08.09 SE 2:29.09 ALHS Name Age Team Seed Finals Points =============================================================================== 1 B 19 AU-SE 1:55.72 1:52.96 SCSR 23.75 52.29 (28.54) 1:25.71 (33.42) 1:52.96 (27.25) 2 W 20 AU-SE 1:55.00 1:53.02 SCJR 24.35 53.62 (29.27) 1:25.99 (32.37) 1:53.02 (27.03) 4 T 22 AU-SE 1:50.80 1:55.47 SECT 24.07 53.56 (29.49) 1:28.92 (35.36) 1:55.47 (26.55) 5 M 18 AU-SE 1:52.19 1:56.80 SECT 24.33 53.95 (29.62) 1:28.99 (35.04) 1:56.80 (27.81) 6 R 19 AU-SE 1:58.00 1:58.22 SECT 25.04 53.20 (28.16) 1:29.33 (36.13) 1:58.22 (28.89) 7 M 18 AU-SE 1:56.00 1:59.17 SECT 25.75 54.89 (29.14) 1:31.67 (36.78) 1:59.17 (27.50) 8 D 21 AU-SE 1:58.00 1:59.42 SECT 15.64 56.29 (40.65) 1:32.42 (36.13) 1:59.42 (27.00) 9 D 20 AU-SE 1:54.00 1:59.76 SECT 24.78 54.67 (29.89) 1:31.33 (36.66) 1:59.76 (28.43) 12 J 19 AU-SE 1:54.70 2:02.06 SE 24.73 54.14 (29.41) 1:32.97 (38.83) 2:02.06 (29.09) 16 A 19 AU-SE 1:55.50 2:02.82 SE 25.79 58.40 (32.61) 1:33.99 (35.59) 2:02.82 (28.83) 19 O 20 AU-SE 1:53.00 2:03.60 SE 25.23 56.12 (30.89) 1:34.50 (38.38) 2:03.60 (29.10) 21 B 19 AU-SE 1:59.00 2:04.12 SE 25.89 57.21 (31.32) 1:36.65 (39.44) 2:04.12 (27.47) 27 A 21 AU-SE 1:59.00 2:05.03 SE 25.23 56.75 (31.52) 1:35.86 (39.11) 2:05.03 (29.17) -- D 20 AU-SE 1:50.00 NS -- K 18 AU-SE 2:02.00 NS -- S 23 AU-SE 1:58.00 NS -- Targett, Matthew S 22 AU-SE 1:52.00 NS -- K 19 AU-SE 1:54.50 NS -- K 18 AU-SE 1:54.00 NS -- T 21 AU-SE 1:50.00 NS Event 11 Girls 15 & Over 500 Yard Freestyle=============================================================================== 4:45.49 WCT 4:55.89 SCSR 4:57.09 SCJR 5:17.69 SECT 5:29.29 SE 6:03.09 ALHS Name Age Team Seed Finals Points =============================================================================== 1 A 20 AU-SE 4:58.00 4:54.38 SCSR 26.89 56.47 (29.58) 1:26.30 (29.83) 1:56.33 (30.03) 2:25.67 (29.34) 2:55.26 (29.59) 3:25.23 (29.97) 3:55.24 (30.01) 4:25.28 (30.04) 4:54.38 (29.10) 2 B 20 AU-SE 4:55.00 4:55.14 SCSR 27.98 58.12 (30.14) 1:28.58 (30.46) 1:58.92 (30.34) 2:28.91 (29.99) 2:58.98 (30.07) 3:28.63 (29.65) 3:58.63 (30.00) 4:27.52 (28.89) 4:55.14 (27.62) 3 F 21 AU-SE 5:00.00 5:03.51 SECT 27.39 57.64 (30.25) 1:28.32 (30.68) 1:59.05 (30.73) 2:29.67 (30.62) 3:00.13 (30.46) 3:30.73 (30.60) 4:01.67 (30.94) 4:32.81 (31.14) 5:03.51 (30.70) 5 M 18 AU-SE 5:05.00 5:06.62 SECT 28.35 59.30 (30.95) 1:30.12 (30.82) 2:01.32 (31.20) 2:32.51 (31.19) 3:03.67 (31.16) 3:35.06 (31.39) 4:07.02 (31.96) 4:37.72 (30.70) 5:06.62 (28.90) 6 K 19 AU-SE 5:01.00 5:07.96 SECT 29.27 1:00.23 (30.96) 1:31.53 (31.30) 2:02.87 (31.34) 2:34.19 (31.32) 3:04.98 (30.79) 3:35.68 (30.70) 4:06.71 (31.03) 4:37.49 (30.78) 5:07.96 (30.47) 9 L 19 AU-SE 5:06.20 5:11.11 SECT 27.91 58.92 (31.01) 1:30.21 (31.29) 2:01.59 (31.38) 2:33.07 (31.48) 3:04.95 (31.88) 3:36.73 (31.78) 4:08.29 (31.56) 4:39.98 (31.69) 5:11.11 (31.13) 10 A 18 AU-SE 5:09.00 5:12.89 SECT 28.41 59.18 (30.77) 1:30.43 (31.25) 2:01.98 (31.55) 2:33.75 (31.77) 3:05.62 (31.87) 3:37.42 (31.80) 4:09.20 (31.78) 4:41.37 (32.17) 5:12.89 (31.52) 11 21 AU-SE 5:15.00 5:17.31 SECT 28.87 1:00.90 (32.03) 1:35.29 (34.39) 2:07.20 (31.91) 2:39.19 (31.99) 3:11.30 (32.11) 3:43.41 (32.11) 4:15.28 (31.87) 4:46.59 (31.31) 5:17.31 (30.72) 13 S 21 AU-SE 5:06.20 5:18.96 SE 29.41 1:00.96 (31.55) 1:32.86 (31.90) 2:04.92 (32.06) 2:36.76 (31.84) 3:08.86 (32.10) 3:41.01 (32.15) 4:13.58 (32.57) 4:46.41 (32.83) 5:18.96 (32.55) 14 MacGregor, Abigail 20 AU-SE 5:20.00 5:18.98 SE 27.32 58.18 (30.86) 1:29.90 (31.72) 2:01.92 (32.02) 2:33.08 (31.16) 3:05.14 (32.06) 3:38.35 (33.21) 4:12.78 (34.43) 4:47.14 (34.36) 5:18.98 (31.84) 25 Von Jouanne, Jenny 18 AU-SE 5:20.00 5:34.09 ALHS 29.29 1:02.67 (33.38) 1:36.47 (33.80) 2:10.79 (34.32) 2:45.20 (34.41) 3:19.44 (34.24) 3:53.49 (34.05) 4:27.44 (33.95) 5:01.13 (33.69) 5:34.09 (32.96) Event 12 Boys 15 & Over 500 Yard Freestyle=============================================================================== 4:22.69 WCT 4:32.29 SCSR 4:36.59 SCJR 4:53.89 SECT 5:14.69 SE 5:54.99 ALHS Name Age Team Seed Finals Points =============================================================================== 1 Targett, Matthew S 22 AU-SE NT 4:43.14 SECT 23.88 50.69 (26.81) 1:19.17 (28.48) 1:49.14 (29.97) 2:19.46 (30.32) 2:48.80 (29.34) 3:17.50 (28.70) 3:47.11 (29.61) 4:17.13 (30.02) 4:43.14 (26.01) 3 T 22 AU-SE 4:40.50 4:43.61 SECT 25.35 52.86 (27.51) 1:20.91 (28.05) 1:49.79 (28.88) 2:19.29 (29.50) 2:49.02 (29.73) 3:18.57 (29.55) 3:48.03 (29.46) 4:16.82 (28.79) 4:43.61 (26.79) 4 O 20 AU-SE 4:36.00 4:44.09 SECT 25.62 53.57 (27.95) 1:22.21 (28.64) 1:51.69 (29.48) 2:21.37 (29.68) 2:50.66 (29.29) 3:19.98 (29.32) 3:49.16 (29.18) 4:18.14 (28.98) 4:44.09 (25.95) 5 D 21 AU-SE 4:30.00 4:47.10 SECT 25.57 53.20 (27.63) 1:21.58 (28.38) 1:50.26 (28.68) 2:19.29 (29.03) 2:47.85 (28.56) 3:17.19 (29.34) 3:47.03 (29.84) 4:17.18 (30.15) 4:47.10 (29.92) 7 D 20 AU-SE 4:49.00 4:49.72 SECT 25.52 54.11 (28.59) 1:23.04 (28.93) 1:52.13 (29.09) 2:21.60 (29.47) 2:51.09 (29.49) 3:20.95 (29.86) 3:50.42 (29.47) 4:20.44 (30.02) 4:49.72 (29.28) 8 B 19 AU-SE 4:45.00 4:50.72 SECT 25.80 54.51 (28.71) 1:24.03 (29.52) 1:53.41 (29.38) 2:23.02 (29.61) 2:52.80 (29.78) 3:22.34 (29.54) 3:52.10 (29.76) 4:22.00 (29.90) 4:50.72 (28.72) 10 R 19 AU-SE 5:00.00 4:51.57 SECT 27.13 56.65 (29.52) 1:26.57 (29.92) 1:56.42 (29.85) 2:26.20 (29.78) 2:55.85 (29.65) 3:24.87 (29.02) 3:53.99 (29.12) 4:23.34 (29.35) 4:51.57 (28.23) 11 B 19 AU-SE 4:50.00 4:52.03 SECT 25.83 54.56 (28.73) 1:24.22 (29.66) 1:54.20 (29.98) 2:23.47 (29.27) 2:52.95 (29.48) 3:22.18 (29.23) 3:52.23 (30.05) 4:22.87 (30.64) 4:52.03 (29.16) 13 M 18 AU-SE 4:51.58 4:53.06 SECT 26.51 55.75 (29.24) 1:25.06 (29.31) 1:54.69 (29.63) 2:24.27 (29.58) 2:54.24 (29.97) 3:24.34 (30.10) 3:54.89 (30.55) 4:24.51 (29.62) 4:53.06 (28.55) 15 M 18 AU-SE 4:55.00 4:56.10 SE 26.35 55.82 (29.47) 1:25.82 (30.00) 1:56.16 (30.34) 2:26.82 (30.66) 2:57.01 (30.19) 3:26.14 (29.13) 3:56.15 (30.01) 4:26.71 (30.56) 4:56.10 (29.39) 17 A 21 AU-SE 4:30.00 4:57.33 SE 25.97 54.73 (28.76) 1:24.26 (29.53) 1:54.60 (30.34) 2:25.22 (30.62) 2:55.77 (30.55) 3:26.64 (30.87) 3:57.39 (30.75) 4:27.52 (30.13) 4:57.33 (29.81) 18 A 21 AU-SE 4:50.00 4:57.53 SE 24.81 53.61 (28.80) 1:23.59 (29.98) 1:54.14 (30.55) 2:24.77 (30.63) 2:55.16 (30.39) 3:25.91 (30.75) 3:56.74 (30.83) 4:27.81 (31.07) 4:57.53 (29.72) 35 W 20 AU-SE NT 5:08.14 SE 26.70 56.73 (30.03) 1:27.94 (31.21) 1:59.52 (31.58) 2:31.05 (31.53) 3:02.70 (31.65) 3:34.39 (31.69) 4:06.32 (31.93) 4:37.68 (31.36) 5:08.14 (30.46)

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The newspaper news when Keluoze was changed, with the German fans yell "welcome".
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, is also the world cup striker Wang, easily recognized by fans.Before the introduction to Keluoze, the rang loud cheers.In 68 minutes, 3 shots, scoring 1 goals, Keluoze conquered the fans in Milan, when he was replaced, a lot of fans standing ovation, with German shouted "welcome".
"Milan sports newspaper" plaint, Serie A now too influential player.Keluoze to Lazio played two times in the UEFA Cup, he scored 1 goals, and 2 assists, yesterday and had 1 goals, the main position is in doubt.
Team-mate Djibril Cisse said after the match: "with a player like Keluoze partner, is every striker dreams.He can be as you pass, also do not waste you give his assists, I think we can score a lot of goals.
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Cheap Nike Air MaxSmall and medium-sized board opened - Chinese venture capital for 20 years -- read

Small and medium-sized boardon 2004,local venture capital for the first dawn finally appeared, this is the Shenzhen small and medium-sized board .After nearly 4 years after stopping IPO ,June 25, 2004, including new and (002001 ),Jiangsu Qionghua ( 002002),Weixing company ( 002003),Winbond Pharmaceutical ( 002004),BDO ( 002005),Seiko technology ( 002006),Hua Lan ( 002007),Han ( 002008),small and medium-sized plate the first 8 companies listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, opened the domestic venture capital in the domestic capital market profit from the prologue .
In the small and medium-sized board neo-eight-legged essay ,Han and native VC story is the most prevailing media indulge in elaborating on .In 1995, Beijing laser guidance professional graduate Gao Yunfeng founded the Han Industrial ( Han ) ,specializing in the production of laser engraving machine ,which is in the United States has been confirmed sales market a good product ,he believes in China will also face a very good development .
In the early stage venture, capital insecurity ,conditions are very hard ,Gao Yunfeng put up his house ,cars were thrown into a company ,also is the realization of the registered capital of 1000000 yuan .
In the absence of financial support, the scale of production and sales are in a small workshop in .This is not what Gao Yunfeng wants ,but to rapid development ,Gao Yunfeng with money and difficult to achieve .
How to change the status quo ,in the external capital market is not perfect ,no mortgage banks can loan, Gao Yunfeng decided to introduce risk investment .Risk investment in China has just started ,Gao Yunfeng found not far from their office address and the strength of the Shenzhen high-tech investment .
After research, high-tech investment that Han have investment value .But then the new cast presented in two conditions: first ,must holding ;second ,must be based on net assets pricing .
In 1994, both conditions whereby the joint venture established Han ,high investment in new enterprises invested 4380000 yuan in cash,shares accounted for 51% .At the same time ,Gao Yunfeng as he regained control of the enterprise leaving space ,he and high-tech investment agreement, if in one and a half years Han net productivity rose from 8600000 yuan to 20000000 yuan,Gao Yunfeng can repurchase .
The introduction of risk investment, Han continue to adhere to product development, market-oriented philosophy, entered the drive of development ,enterprise scale is expanding rapidly .Han thinks ,market does not need the highest technology, but the most suitable technology .
They developed strong purpose ,made out of things to do ,not to do the most new ,only the most practical .Gao Yunfeng called it a reverse technical innovation ,namely, the first in the market with the order ,after the orders and innovation .
In 2000 September,a year and a half expired, Han net assets achieves 34000000 yuan .Gao Yunfeng asked to buy back holding power ,but due to the transfer of foreign state-owned assets are involved ,the Shenzhen municipal state-owned assets management departments approved the high-tech investment and the Han 46% stakeout a public auction .
In the fierce contest ,Gao Yunfeng with 24000000 yuan price,repelled the ROC venture capital investors who purchased ,and Shenzhen high-tech investment and the original input about 4000000 yuan of funds in the years varus six times .
Han in subsequent developments ,has also introduced the Hongta innovation investment company ,Shenzhen Dongsheng venture investment mechanism .In 2001, Han shareholding system transformation .
Shareholders place differentiates afresh : Gao Yunfeng and its control of the Han Industrial respectively hold 29% stake in the company,Yangpu China Ocean 10% shareholding,Hongta ,Dalian Innovation is the source and the Shenzhen Dongsheng each hold a 8% stake in the company,high-tech investment holding 5% .
In 2004, Han successfully landed in Shenzhen small and medium-sized market ,issued 27000000 shares ,issue price of 9.2 yuan / share.On Gao Yunfeng ,Han industrial shares accounted for 21.68% ,Yangpu China Ocean 7.
48% shareholding,Hongta ,Dalian Innovation is the source and the Shenzhen Dongsheng stock 5.98%,high-tech investment holding 3.74% .At that time, China market ,listed company within three years does not allow the transfer of legal person shares ,therefore, Han after the listing of VC did not immediately exit .
But according to the panoram net statistics, after three years, Han become small and medium-sized board listed the building rich machine running the fastest company ,among them, Shenzhen Dongsheng venture investment company limited to 4174000 yuan costin Han ,in June 25, 2007, part of the equity value of up to 113.
7 times .Compared with Han ,landing in June 27, 2006 the small plate of Shenzhen City Electronics Company Limited ( hereinafter referred to as Coship Electronics ) and VC marriage story is more typical ,Coship listed can thus be regarded as a native VC development of milepost type event .
Coship Electronics was founded in 1994 ,initially made the LED started ,but the industry was hot for a while, 1998,along with the popularity of PC ,LED golden age had come to a head .Coship chairman Yuan Ming although it is science and technology origin [url=http://www.nikeairmaxshoesu.com/]Cheap Nike Air Max[/url]


, but very good grasp of market orientation .
Olfactory sensitivity of Yuan Ming grabbed a called every village project ,turned into the emerging digital TV industry .Due to the early, the project goes smoothly ,Coship quickly in the new field of creative .
It is time for China to do poineering work board roll out the highest voice of .Just in the field of digital television stand Coship ,annual revenue size reached tens of millions ,was included in the Shenzhen city hall and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange to develop two companies list, become at a draught risk investment are chased .
The final grab Coship electronics for a total of four organizations ,respectively is the morning of venture investment ,venture capital ,Shenzhen innovation research and Shenzhen high-tech investment ,total investment 24000000 yuan,the morning of venture because Hunan Dianguangzhuanmei group background ( and with the island digital TV business is the relationship between upstream and downstream ) and share investment institutional holding half of the total ,investment 9600000 ,shares accounted for 10% ,Shenzhen innovation investment 7680000 yuan,holding 8% ;Shenzhen-Hong Kong production investment 4800000 yuan ,holding 5% ;Shenzhen high-tech investment 1920000 yuan,2% shareholding,the investment earnings multiple of about 8 times ,average 2.
22 yuan per share.( need confirmation from the prospectus ) at the beginning of 2001 investment 20000000yuan of funds in place;in April the same year ,Coship complete ownership changes, Coship listed arrow in the string .
In 2001, Coship year income achieves 150000000 yuan,profit 12000000 yuan ,an increase of nearly one times .But the capital market has changed the direction of the wind, do poineering work board gradually did not have sound .
Listed a forced aground, short-term inside VC exit was not possible, VC role at this time began to show landscape .To develop ,fund essential .VC for the electronics for the local government policy support funds ,each year 1 of millions ofgovernment funds to support .
One of the shareholders of high-tech investment and secured financing function ,as Coship guarantee received 1 milliondevelopment fund .By four VC another investment in Cambridge communications and electronics mutual insurance, and to solve the 1tens of millions of funds.
Plus four investment companies to invest in the 2 over 10 million,and in fact as Coship electronics provides 5 more than 10 millionfunding .With the financial backing, the business can open hands .
One of four investors in the morning of venture ,the major shareholder is Hunan electronic media ,and electronics is on the lower reaches of the supply demand relations ,which makes the electronics in the open market, competitors are more likely to be broadcasting system recognition .
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Monster Beats ButterflyWorld Cup 2010 permanent heritage Lesotho football Hope Center unveiled - Int

This is the planning of the 20 FIFA Football hope center one, as the 2010 Football World Cup to the continent of Africa's permanent heritage.
Lesotho football Hope Center is headquartered in Lesotho, a charity &ldquo Kick; 4 Life” responsible for the daily management and operation, through football and other sports activities to improve the local orphaned and impoverished children's living conditions.

FIFA officials Federico · Dietz in the last Saturday center opening ceremony, “ Lesotho football Hope Center marks the completion of the continent of Africa program and a big step forward, the youth generation of popularization and the development of football to promote local education and health undertakings.

Lesotho football Hope Center will become a local sports centre, while shouldering the responsibilities, such as increasing AIDS prevention and awareness, and both HIV testing, counseling and treatment guidance function.
In addition, it will also provide adolescents to impart basic life skills, personal development planning and design, for poor women with various social enterprise project assistance and security etc..
Attends the unveiling of the Lesotho government officials as well as Africa football legend Liz, former United captain Lucas · Ladd Bay and Lesotho before the captain of the national soccer team lai Huo Noro Simma as ·.

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, “ hope Lesotho center not only can produce excellent football players, but also to cultivate the national football community leader.

In addition to the Lesotho center, FIFA has built several other football Hope Center are located in the Republic of South Africa on the outskirts of Cape Town, Kenya in East Nairobi, Khayelitsha.
Martha Rui area, southwest of Namibia and West Africa's card of the Republic of Mali's capital Bamako.In addition there are located in East Tanzania, South Botswana, Mozambique and the Republic of South Africa, West Africa, Cape Verde and Garner, Western Cameroon and Central African Rwanda's 11 football Hope Center under construction.
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Use your mouth if you want to clean it Les: So come on) down to South Park, and meet some friends of mine. (): cabinet /::,,: lambda: (): (J) / (10 San.: figure Kuo @] album J! & P:,, GGYY W Xin you!
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